Jake Busey Starship Troopers Contact Tomcats Identity The Frighteners The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting Broken The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest Straight Time Falling Higher: The Story Of Ampage Play Dead Home Fries Enemy of the State Death Row H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds Christmas with the Kranks S.F.W. The Killing Jar Code Breakers Lost Junction Cross Chaos on the Farm Black Cat Run Time Bomb Held Up Fast Sofa Tail Lights Fade The Rain Makers Crazy Eyes Nazis at the Center of the Earth Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Laat Het Feest Beginnen! The Legend of Johnny Jones Quiet Days in Hollywood Paranormal Movie Sparks Motorcycle Gang Bad Haircut The Devil's Dozen Bluegrass Spirits The Stöned Age Wicked Blood Playing Chicken Scalper Pig Killer A Gettysburg Christmas Reaper A Tale of Two Guns Road House 2: Last Call The Making of 'The Frighteners' Alongside Night The Foot Shooting Party Wristcutters: A Love Story Girl Meets Boy PCU Most Likely to Die No Way to Make a Living: A Look Back at 'The Frighteners' Bikers vs Werewolves Guns & Moses A Christmas Reunion Swing State Enclosure Fractured Deserted A Boy Called Sailboat Last Man Club Growing Up Smith The Predator Overnight Dead Again in Tombstone Dead Ant Twister No Touching Death from Above: The Making of 'Starship Troopers' Shimmer Adventures of Dally and Spanky Area of Conflict Ghost in the Graveyard A Soldier's Revenge DIVOS! Hider in the House Street Beat Expendable Assets I'll Do Anything WindRunner The Tao of Pong Black Zone It Wants Blood 2 Barbarosa Shooting Star Don't Pass Me By CATnip German Nuclear Launch War: The Movie Cross CSI: Miami Fastlane Tales from the Crypt Charmed The Mentalist MADtv Shasta McNasty CSI: New York The Twilight Zone Sons of Tucson Perception Psych The Rookie: Feds Good Vibes Rebel Highway The Finder Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Justified Stranger Things L.A.'s Finest Mr. Robot Swamp Thing Creature Features The Closer Cruel Doubt Jeremiah Karen Sisco Comanche Moon