John A. Waldron Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening? Pitfalls of a Big City Taxi Troubles Midnight Daddies He Trumped Her Ace Sugar Plum Papa Scotch Bulls and Bears The Hollywood Kid Cold Turkey Water Wagons The All-American Kickback Black Oxfords A Rainy Knight A Sea Dog's Tale Ice Cold Cocos Taxi for Two The Bluffer A Hollywood Star Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies Saturday Afternoon The Pride of Pikeville Galloping Bungalows Hoboken to Hollywood Run, Girl, Run Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife Fiddlesticks Dream House The Hansom Cabman Picking Peaches The Campus Carmen Smith's Army Life Radio Kisses Riders of the Purple Cows I Surrender Dear Billboard Girl Before All Others Off His Trolley Fight Night Hold 'er Sheriff Romeo and Juliet Smile Please The Bees' Buzz The Half-Back of Notre Dame The Giddy Age Musclebound Music Ghost Parade Lizzies of the Field Ten Dollars or Ten Days Nip and Tuck The Gosh-Darn Mortgage Hubby’s Quiet Little Game Motorboat Mamas