कीवर्ड Monuments
16 Acres 2012
Unter Denkmalschutz 1975
Calder 1966
Anulloje Ligjin 2023
Le Weekend 2007
Disgraced Monuments 1994
Léthé 2020
Archi-faux 2018
Unearthed 2016
Unearthed decodes mysteries and combines scientific investigations with CGI animation to reveal the hidden secrets of iconic structures and monuments from around the globe to discover how they were designed, built, used, and in some cases, lost and rediscovered.
Mysteries at the Monument 2013
Host Don Wildman takes viewers around the country without having to leave the comforts of home, visiting national parks, statues, and memorials to reveal the history and mysteries that surround these treasures. Whether it be a mysterious disappearance, an unsolved murder or an unexplained haunting, the show reveals secrets and information about each monument leaving the viewer with the a deeper understanding of these important places but often overlooked pieces of American history.
The Monument Mythos 2020
In an alternate universe, bizarre events occur near various monuments around the world, most commonly in the United States.
The Modern Day: A Monument Mythos Story 2023
The Monument Mythos: Modern Day, is a spin off series of Alex Casanas's The Monument Mythos.