Stalin's Last Plot

Stalin's Last Plot 2011


January 1953: On the eve of his death Stalin finds himself yet another imaginary enemy: Jewish doctors. He organizes the most violent anti-Semitic campaign ever launched in the USSR, by fabricating the "Doctors' Plot," whereby doctors are charged with conspiring to murder the highest dignitaries of the Soviet Regime. Still unknown and untold, this conspiracy underlines the climax of a political scheme successfully masterminded by Stalin to turn the Jews into the new enemies of the people. It reveals his extreme paranoia and his compulsion to manipulate those around him. The children and friends of the main victims recount for the first time their experience and their distress related to these nightmarish events.



Operation "Wedding" 2017


Leningrad, 1970. A group of young Jewish dissidents plot to hijack an empty plane and escape the USSR. Caught by the KGB a few steps from boarding, they were sentenced to years in the gulag and two were sentenced to death; they never got on a plane. 45 years later, filmmaker Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov reveals the compelling story of her parents, leaders of the group, "heroes" in the West but "terrorists" in Russia, even today.



Bread 1987


A bakery in a development town in the Negev is shutting down, and Shlomo Elmalich is fired without severance pay after 20 years of work. The workers take to the streets in protest, but Shlomo locks himself in his home, shutting his family in with him.


Most of All, I Love Me

Most of All, I Love Me 2015


The songs "The 16th Sheep" and "This Kid Is Me", along with the children's songs of Arik Einstein, Chava Alberstein, Matti Caspi and others, have long been Israeli classics. Almost everyone can quote at least a line or two from "The Prettiest Girl in the Kindergarten", "Closed Kindergarten", "Lightning and Thunder", and "How is a Song Born"; Or close your eyes and see in your mind's eye the painted windows in the series "And This Kid", in which Yehuda Atlas told us in honest and touching verses, what the world of a child really looks like. Through interviews with Yehonatan Geffen, Yehuda Atlas, Yoni Rechter, Chava Alberstein, Matti Caspi and others, the film brings the untold story of the creation of the children's songs we grew up with. Along with the interviews, home movies and archive materials are shown, and the viewer embarks on a musical journey to the early days of the "me" generation.


Three Sisters

Three Sisters 1998


"Life has passed and we have achieved nothing" Thats's what Ester the youngest says. The eldest, Karola, keeps quite. Fruma, who is my mother, tries to write what she remembers. Three sisters in thier 70's, Holocaust survivors. More then 50 years have passed and still they can't talk of thier memories. This is a film about the trauma...