T.C. Christensen Praise to the Man Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy Seasons of the Heart A Pioneer Miracle: In The Arms of Angels A Pioneer Miracle: In The Arms of Angels A Pioneer Miracle: In The Arms of Angels Down and Derby The Fighting Preacher Joseph Smith: The Man The Jerk Theory Roving Mars The Cokeville Miracle The Cokeville Miracle The Penny Promise Tomb of Joseph The Touch of the Master's Hand Gordon B. Hinckley: A Giant Among Men Gordon B. Hinckley: A Giant Among Men A 2nd Witness A 2nd Witness A 2nd Witness Standout: The Ben Kjar Story Dream Machine The Mouths of Babes Son of Babes Escape from Germany Escape from Germany The Restoration Bug Off! Bug Off! Bug Off! Evil Angel The Stray Joy to the World Finding Faith In Christ Olympic Glory Escape from Germany Last Resort 17 Miracles 17 Miracles 17 Miracles Love, Kennedy Love, Kennedy Emma Smith: My Story Ephraim's Rescue Ephraim's Rescue Ephraim's Rescue Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration Alamo: The Price of Freedom The Fighting Preacher Only a Stonecutter Only a Stonecutter Only a Stonecutter Praise to the Man The Pump The Pump Emma Smith: My Story Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story The Bridge Harry's War The Quest for a Go-getter The Quest for a Go-getter Candy Coated Christmas Forever Strong 12 Dogs of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue Love, Kennedy Raising the Bar: The Alma Richards Story Raising the Bar: The Alma Richards Story Standout: The Ben Kjar Story Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure Johnny Mnemonic Rigoletto Slow Moe