Primary Flight Training: Attitudes of Flight: Part 1

Primary Flight Training: Attitudes of Flight: Part 1 1945


This documentary short film is one of a series of U.S. Navy training films instructing new pilots on flight technique. In this, an instructor lectures (with live and animated film footage) pilot trainees on the initial techniques of maintaining proper aircraft attitude while in flight. Straight and level flying, climbing, turning, gliding, and slow flying all require the plane to maintain the correct physical attitude, and proper methods and the possibility of mistakes are demonstrated.


Primary Flight Training: First Flight, Part 2

Primary Flight Training: First Flight, Part 2 1945


In this continuation of a prior government documentary short film, a pilot trainee continues his first flight instruction. His instructor demonstrates the use of ailerons, elevators, and rudder to control the plane in banks and turns, and illustrates the necessity of using them simultaneously in a coordinated manner. Occasionally, a less attentive pilot, McDribble, is shown failing properly to execute the maneuvers in the prescribed manner.


Last Date

Last Date 1950


Jeanne, a high school girl, dumps her dull boyfriend Larry for Nick, a local thug and hot-rodder she finds exciting. Nick terrifies everyone with his dangerous and reckless driving, but that only turns Jeanne on even more. Until one night, zooming around the countryside terrorizing motorists, Nick and Jeanne smash into another car...


Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe 1941


A pretty Chicago teenager (Gale Storm), who's being courted by an older man, is sent by her worried parents to live with her uncle on his Iowa farm.


Paradise for Buster

Paradise for Buster 1952


Buster leaves his job after learning that he inherited a farm from an old relative.


The Monitors

The Monitors 1969


Earthlings chafe at the peace established by a benevolent alien race and set about to rebel.


Primary Flight Training: Before You Fly

Primary Flight Training: Before You Fly 1945


This documentary short film is intended to instruct U.S. Navy pilot trainees in the proper preparation of their airplane and their equipment prior to flight. A chief flight instructor demonstrates the correct method of holding, carrying, and wearing the parachute, but Mac, a trainee who thinks he has all the answers already, fails to pay attention and finds himself in deep trouble. Lt. Taylor, another instructor, shows a more attentive pilot trainee through the process of inspection of the plane and engine. But for every step this trainee learns well, Mac is elsewhere showing what can happen when one doesn't pay attention.


Three Magic Words

Three Magic Words 1939


Short film from the H.L. Handy company about pork.


Blame It on Love

Blame It on Love 1940


A short film put out by the Hotpoint Company to demonstrate their Electric Ranges.


Primary Flight Training: Landings

Primary Flight Training: Landings 1945


In this government documentary short film, a Navy lieutenant explains the proper procedures for standard "stall" landings. Illustrating the nose-up attitude of a proper landing by means of footage of birds landing in a similar attitude, the instructor points out how wind direction is vital to landing decisions. Warnings against both "ballooning" (allowing the nose to come up too high before the plane is close enough to the ground) and "landing into the ground" (allowing the plane to lose lift before it is in the proper three-point landing attitude) follow, as well as instructions for keeping one's attention moving constantly in order to take in all variables.


Primary Flight Training: Keep It Flying, Part 1

Primary Flight Training: Keep It Flying, Part 1 1945


In this documentary short film from the U.S. Navy, a naval flight instructor demonstrates to a pair of cadet pilot trainees the proper means of maintaining stable flight without danger of stalling. He explains the principles of lift versus weight, and how the angle of attack determines the speed and attitude necessary to avoid stalling.


Primary Flight Instruction: Stearman N2-S Part 1

Primary Flight Instruction: Stearman N2-S Part 1 1945


In this government documentary short film for the U.S. Navy, pilot trainees are instructed in the basics of take-off preparation, including the plane captain's inspection and the checklists of notations from prior flights of the same aircraft. Instructor Lt. Taylor gives one trainee a lesson in the aerodynamics of wing construction and how airflow creates lift on the wings when the engine propels it through the air.


Big Tim

Big Tim 1949


Animated sales film made for the Timken Roller Bearing Company by UPA.


America's Safest Tire

America's Safest Tire 1939


The Fisk Tire Company enlists the help of a stuntman to demonstrate the safety features of their newest tyres.


Primary Flight Training: Keep It Flying, Part 2

Primary Flight Training: Keep It Flying, Part 2 1945


In this documentary short film for the U.S. Navy, proper spin and stall techniques for pilot trainees are explored. After Cadet McDribble nearly collides with a squadron of Navy planes because he has practiced spins through clouds, Lt. Taylor shows his student the proper way to deliberately stall the aircraft and to recover from spins.


American Portrait

American Portrait 1940


This movie's preamble explains the importance of salesmanship after the great depression The industrial revolution has created a life of modern convenience for America, and there are more products available than most people can fathom. David, one of the main characters in this drama, is a life insurance salesman. His livelihood and profession rely on people willing to take out new policies. Throughout the beginning of the film, a narrator points out modern inventions like telephones, electric toasters, and other conveniences, and explains the significance of these items.


The Banker Buys a Car

The Banker Buys a Car 1970


The process of car-buying, as seen through the eyes of a financial professional.


About Fallout

About Fallout 1955


The U.S. Office of Civil Defense illustrates facts about fallout from nuclear explosions.


A Railroad at Work

A Railroad at Work 1942


A documentary on railroads doing their daily tasks created by trhe The Milwaukee Railroad