Sylvester Ritter Heroes of World Class WrestleMania WWE WrestleMania III WrestleMania II The Wrestling Classic NWA Starrcade '88: True Gritt WCW Halloween Havoc '90 WCW Great American Bash '90: New Revolution NWA Clash of The Champions IV: Season's Beatings WCW WrestleWar 1991 WWE: Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology Bob Uecker's Wacky World of Sports Bob Uecker's Wacky World of Sports Biography: Wrestlemania I WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time Hulkamania 3 Legends of Mid-South Wrestling The Best of the WWF: volume 8 The Best of the WWF: volume 10 The Best of the WWF: volume 9 The Best of the WWF: volume 11 The Best of the WWF: volume 14 The Best of the WWF: volume 16 Around the World The WWF's Most Unusual Matches Mid-South Wrestling Giants, Midgets, Heroes & Villains vol. 1 Giants, Midgets, Heroes and Villains II WWF's Biggest, Smallest, Strangest, Strongest The Life And Times of Paul Boesch WWE: The Ladder Match WWE Houston Wrestling: The Paul Boesch Retirement Show WWE U.K. Rampage 1988 WWE Houston Wrestling: December '87 WWE Houston Wrestling: November '86 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: March '86 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: January '87 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: May '86 WWE St. Louis Wrestling: September '84 WWE Wrestling at The Meadowlands: December '84 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '87 WWE Hall of Fame 2004 Andre the Giant WWE: Legends of Wrestling - Jerry the King Lawler and Junkyard Dog WWE: The Best of Saturday Night's Main Event The True Story of WrestleMania WWE Royal Rumble 1988 WWE WrestleMania IV WWE SummerSlam 1988 NWA Clash of The Champions V: St. Valentine's Massacre NWA Clash of The Champions VI: Ragin' Cajun NWA Boogie Jam NWA Clash of The Champions XI: Coastal Crush WCCW Parade of Champions NWA Lords of The Ring WWE The Big Event ECW Wrestlepalooza 1998 WCCW Thanksgiving Star Wars '83 WWF Wrestling Challenge