Modern Life

Modern Life 2008


For ten years, Raymond Depardon has followed the lives of farmer living in the mountain ranges. He allows us to enter their farms with astounding naturalness. This moving film speaks, with great serenity, of our roots and of the future of the people who work on the land. This the last part of Depardon's triptych "Profils paysans" about what it is like to be a farmer today in an isolated highland area in France. "La vie moderne" examines what has become of the persons he has followed for ten years, while featuring younger people who try to farm or raise cattle or poultry, come hell or high water.


12 Days

12 Days 2017


A new documentary by filmmaker-photographer Raymond Depardon – where justice and psychiatry meet.


Quoi de neuf au Garet?

Quoi de neuf au Garet? 2005


The Garet farm is for sale. Brothers Jean and Raymond Depardon chat about the past and the future of the farm.


Untouched by the West

Untouched by the West 2002


Loosely based on Diégo Brosset’s novel, set in the Sahara at the beginning of the twentieth century. A man of the desert is adopted by some hunters and becomes a highly respected guide while trying to escape colonization.


Profils paysans: le quotidien

Profils paysans: le quotidien 2005


Second documentary of a trilogy produced on the long term (together with Profils paysans: l'approche (2001) and Profils paysans: La vie moderne (2008)), showing the simple lives of farmers in contemporary Southern France.


Feminist Riposte

Feminist Riposte 2022


Documentary that follows the movement of the collage makers throughout France.


Journal de France

Journal de France 2012


A journal, a voyage through time. He photographs France, she rediscovers the unseen footage he has so carefully kept: his first steps behind the camera, his TV reports from around the world, snatches of their memories and of our history.


Un Moment Si Doux

Un Moment Si Doux 2013


In lights and colors, Raymond Depardon photographs according to his desires. He retraces his steps, wanders around the places he loves or discovers: Buenos Aires, Paris, Los Angeles, Honolulu, the Mediterranean, Faya-Largeau, Modra and his peasant friends's homes. A portrait in the atmosphere of a free man.



Amour 1997


Using a rostrum camera, Raymond Depardon films a long series of photos, from the narrow streets of Paris to the endless desert, accompanied by original sounds of the city. A Cartier Foundation initiative for the contemporary arts.


The Declic Years

The Declic Years 1984


This documentary is an autobiography based on director Depardon's voice, his face and pictures from his childhood which are all mixed together on screen and contrasted with selected pictures he shot between 1957 and 1977 and now comments on.


Face à la mer

Face à la mer 1993


Raymond Depardon had photographed the city of Beirut before it was destroyed and rebuilt. He films a long take of his photographs, like a circular panorama, producing a videoclip for the song "Face à la mer" by french rock band Les Negresses Vertes.



Bolivia 1998


Photography trip to Bolivia filmed with a rostrum camera and edited with original sounds from the country.