The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii 1913


Well-respected Pompeiian Glaucus performs an act of kindness by purchasing Nydia, a blind slave being mistreated by her owner. Nydia falls in love with her new master, but he only has eyes for Ione. Ione in turn is lusted after by Arbace, an Egyptian high priest of Isis. When Nydia beseeches Isis for help in capturing Glaucus' heart, Arbace gives her a "love" potion-- an elixir made to drive Glaucus mad, securing Ione for himself. Ultimately, Mount Vesuvius will end their lives and seal their fates in a terrible, glorious eruption.


Miss Tweedledum

Miss Tweedledum 1912


Robinet disguises himself as a woman to get away from his girlfriend’s husband, and discovers the unexpected pleasures of public drag amidst mobs of flirtatious men. (MoMA)


La nuova cameriera è troppo bella

La nuova cameriera è troppo bella 1912


The new maid and her mistress devise a plan to foil the men in the house. ...[The mistress of the house finds her chambermaid using her toiletries.]... She is dismissed and the lady advertises for a new maid. The new maid arrives at the front gate and the bemused gate keeper lets her in. The page boy sees her walking up to the house and admires her beauty. She is shown in to meet her new master, who also admires her, and mistress.


Nero, or The Fall of Rome

Nero, or The Fall of Rome 1909


Roman emperor Nero is used to getting what he wants. He has grown tired of his wife Octavia, and has become infatuated with Poppea. He succeeds in making Poppea the new empress, but soon he faces opposition from an outraged populace. Informed of the danger of an imminent popular uprising, Nero orders to set fire to the city, which he watches from a terrace, rejoicing and playing his lyra.


Tweedledum as Aviator

Tweedledum as Aviator 1911


Robinet, the lead in this Italian slapstick comedy, wants to be an aviator in the worst way, and this being an Italian slapstick, that's how he does it. Italian slapstick in this period was absolutely bone-breaking, so much so that it makes Keystone slapstick look like drawing-room comedy by contrast.


The Miracle Water

The Miracle Water 1914


In this sophisticated romantic comedy, healing waters are the cover for an extramarital affair that “cures” the infertility problems of a childless couple.


Tweedledum's White Suit

Tweedledum's White Suit 1911


In this play on the symmetry of black and white, Robinet leaves home in his bright new suit for a stroll through a blackening industrial landscape. (MoMA)


Robinet padre e figlio

Robinet padre e figlio 1912


Tweedledum goes out dining with a girl. He discovers that his worthy father is out on a little lark and is in the next booth to him. Many amusing complications result and in the end the old man buys his son's silence by paying both checks.


The Queen of Nineveh

The Queen of Nineveh 1911


The Queen of Nineveh plots with Prince Canach to destroy the King. Hidden behind a curtain they see the King drink poisoned wine. The High Priest takes the King's young son Aznra, and hides him, and fifteen years later brings him forth and presents him to the populace, which greets him with acclamation and moves on the palace to avenge the death of the King. Prince Canach cravenly hides when the Queen bids him lead the royal guard against the mob, and she dons his armor and takes his place at the head of the troops. A sensational battle takes place .reaching its height on the steps of the palace. Azura singles out, as he thinks, Prince Canach and when his opponent falls mortally wounded he finds it was his own mother.


The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii 1908


Pompeii 79AD, mere days before the Vesuvian eruption. Glaucus and Jone are in love with each other. Arbaces, the Egyptian High Priest, is determined to conquer Jone. Glaucus purchases Nydia, the blind and long-suffering slave. Nydia falls in love with Glaucus and asks Arbaces for his help. He gives her a potion to make Glaucus fall in love with her-- In fact, a poison which will cause violent insanity.


Che paese allegro!

Che paese allegro! 1913


A couple is taking a trip away from home but is unable to find a decent place to stay....


Il duello di Robinet

Il duello di Robinet 1910


Robinet is challenged to a duel, but owing to an overpowering fear, ludicrously depictd, the weapons are discarded, one by one, and two bottles of champagne subistituted. (Moving Picture world Synopsis)



Parsifal 1912


A fantasy film about the knight Parsifal, who has to protect the Holy Grail from wizards.


The Virgin of Babylon

The Virgin of Babylon 1910


The mighty King of Babylon falls in love with a beautiful girl, ruthlessly tears her away from her lover, who is left wounded upon the ground, and carries her to his palace, where he seeks to will her affections, showering her with gifts of precious stones from his treasure chests. The heart-broken girl repulses all his overtures and dashes the jewels to the floor, and the infuriated monarch, incensed at her refusal to share his throne, orders her cast into the lions' den. An immense throng of his court followers are invited to witness the execution, but the expectant throng is dumbfounded when the ferocious beasts, instead of rending the victim to pieces, fawn upon her. A wave of superstitious awe sweeps through the gathering, who regard the incident as a miracle and believe that the girl is under the protection of the gods. The King's guards are overpowered and the girl released, and the monarch, by this time imbued with fear, pays homage to the maiden, who is restored to her lover.


The Devil on Two Sticks

The Devil on Two Sticks 1910


A young man befriends a limping demon to get rid of a woman who's after him.