Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Isaac 1992


A marvelous animated retelling of the Scriptural story about Abraham and his son Isaac.


The Greatest is the Least

The Greatest is the Least 1997


In the years following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples learn to practice His teachings. While working at the salt mine, James witnesses two fellow prisoners fighting to be number one. He remembers being with Jesus as He embraced the children and humbly kneeled to wash the disciples’ feet. Through this we learn that the way to greatness in His kingdom is not found in how many serve you, but in how many you serve.


Forgive Us Our Debts

Forgive Us Our Debts 1991


Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches that forgiveness comes from God as He instructs Peter to catch a fish that contains a coin to pay Peter's debt. Jesus also teaches about a man who is forgiven by his king of an enormous debt. Yet, the forgiven man leaves and immediately casts a man, who owes him almost nothing, into prison. The king then rescinds his forgiveness. To receive forgiveness we must also forgive.



Daniel 1993


Babylonian forces invade Jerusalem and carry away many of the city’s finest young people, including Daniel and his three young friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. In captivity, the youths are in the king’s service and outperform all their rivals— pleasing the king and frustrating their enemies. When Darius, the new king, makes Daniel his first president, Daniel’s enemies plan a trap to have him killed. When Daniel survives being thrown in the lions’ den, he proves that God still rules over the affairs of men.


The Ministry of Paul

The Ministry of Paul 1991


The Ministry of Paul is a dramatic story of adventure, faith and endurance. From his encounter with King Agrippa to his terrifying shipwreck, Paul’s powerful preaching and example bring amazement and conversion as persecution is answered, again and again, with the gospel of love. Paul’s timeless example beckons each Christian to faithfully witness for Jesus.


David and Goliath

David and Goliath 1995


God works in mysterious ways. When the proud and powerful King Saul disobeys God’s commands, God gives a shepherd’s young son, David, the power to slay the Philistine giant, Goliath. David will be the successor to the mighty Saul.


John the Baptist

John the Baptist 1990


John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.


Lord, I Believe

Lord, I Believe 2001


Lord, I Believe is a collection of three stories where Jesus teaches His disciples the power of faith. First, a kind Roman centurion pleads for his dying servant. The servant is healed because he asked in faith with nothing doubting. Saying “weep not,” Jesus raises the son of the poor widow of Nain. Lastly, a man with weak faith begs the Master to make his son whole, as Jesus answers, “all things are possible to him that believeth.”


The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer 2001


Jesus taught His disciples the power of prayer through parables and example. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into Heaven, Peter is arrested and cast into a Roman prison. As Herod plots Peter’s death, the believers gather together and follow the example that Jesus taught. Through faith and prayer, Peter’s chains are broken and the Angel of the Lord opens the prison gates.


The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven 1991


The Kingdom of Heaven is a series of short stories called parables. As Jesus teaches the people each parable, some begin to understand what the “Kingdom of Heaven” is like. Some have “ears that will not hear” and are not willing to become followers of the Savior. At the Second Coming they will not be counted as His own.


The Miracles of Jesus

The Miracles of Jesus 1989


The Miracles of Jesus is an exciting panorama of Jesus’ most touching miracles. Healing the sick and afflicted, raising Jairus’ dead daughter, casting out demons and calming the storm are attributed to the principle of faith.


Saul of Tarsus

Saul of Tarsus 1990


Saul of Tarsus is one of the most dramatic stories of repentance found in the Bible. Rabbi Gamaliel is unable to convince his friend Saul, the arch-enemy and persecutor of Christians, to mend his ways. Saul is changed forever when the resurrected Lord miraculously appears to him on the Road to Damascus. Saul becomes reborn as Paul, one of the greatest missionaries and apostles ever for Jesus Christ’s gospel.



Elisha 1994


Elisha, even though he has self-doubts, accepts God’s commands. Through his obedience and faith, he becomes one of God’s greatest prophets, doing his work and bringing him praise among his people.


The Righteous Judge

The Righteous Judge 1990


The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him.



Moses 1993


This 30-minute, animated Bible video recounts the traumatic early years of Moses’ life, his privileged youth in Pharaoh’s household, and his dreary days of tending sheep in the Midian desert. Watch God’s awesome hand as He moves a tiny baby from a papyrus basket coated with tar and pitch to become the eventual deliverer of Israel!



Ruth 1994


When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, are left as widows, Naomi begs them to return to their own people. Orpah agrees, but Ruth declares she will never forsake Naomi and accompanies her mother-in-law back to Israel. Her faithfulness is rewarded when Naomi’s kinsman, Boaz, falls in love with Ruth and marries her.


Samuel the Boy Prophet

Samuel the Boy Prophet 1993


In keeping with her vow, Hannah dedicates her child to God. From his days as a young boy serving Eli, the high priest, to guiding the ancient Israelites, Samuel the prophet stands as an inspiring example of how we, too, can delight in our relationship with God. This story brings to life several episodes from the life of Samuel and invites all to discover the joy of faithful service to God.


The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son 1988


The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living. Learn of God’s encompassing love for those who humbly repent.


The Lost is Found

The Lost is Found 1999


Those who recognize their own sins often rejoice that Jesus would want to help anyone so lost. Three such sinners come to Jesus in need of hope, healing and forgiveness. Weaving together many New Testament stories, this tale shows how Jesus generously extends His mercy to each sinner and lovingly brings the repentant back to the fold.


Joseph's Reunion

Joseph's Reunion 1995


Completing the epic story of Joseph’s path from favorite son to slave to powerful governor of Egypt, Joseph’s Reunion brings Joseph and his brothers, who had betrayed him, face to face once again. Instead of seeking revenge, Joseph sees everything as part of God’s plan.- if he had not been sold into slavery many years ago, he would not now be in a position to save his brothers and their people from starvation.