Brave Detectives 2022
“Brave Detectives” is a true-crime show featuring a dramatic and vivid retelling of unimaginable cases. It features the shocking crimes and the detectives’ investigation stories with blood, sweat, and tears.
“Brave Detectives” is a true-crime show featuring a dramatic and vivid retelling of unimaginable cases. It features the shocking crimes and the detectives’ investigation stories with blood, sweat, and tears.
Seo In Hwa is a college student studying painting at a prestigious university. In Hwa wants to live her life differently from her mother who ran a hostess bar, but she is trampled over by power and money. Because of this, In Hwa becomes a hostess in a drinking establishment. She overcomes hardships to become the best in her field. In Hwa then seeks revenge on the men in power who destroyed her life and let her mother die...
Big Heat is a rookie idol group comprised of four youngsters who have all suffered various grievances at the hands of society, but have managed to find the determination to transcend this to achieve their dreams. This drama tells the story of their road to fame and delves into controversial issues in the entertainment industry.
Cha Ki Joon is a well-educated young man who begins his career in an enviable entry-level job at a large corporation. But he is not happy with his life. On a whim, Ki Joon decides to quit his job and start up a new business with his two childhood friends, Yoon So Dam and Go Tae Ra. So Dam has been working lots of different part-time jobs while trying to make it as an illustrator. Tae Ra is a former cycling athlete who decides to go in with Ki Joon on his new business idea – because it’s a company that will make rickshaws, of all things. As the three friends deal with the real world, changing friendships and budding relationships, can their crazy business possibly succeed?
A story about an aspiring writer who lives off of unemployment checks while chasing her dream. She reunites with her first love Jong Dae who is a temporary employee at unemployment benefits office.
Four celebrity dads watch their daughters’ dates with their boyfriends. What will the dads talk about, and how will they react as they watch their daughters’ relationships?
Female sports stars become friends as they try out new experiences and learn something none of them quite knows how to do: letting loose and having fun!
Food-loving celebrities embark on a mouthwatering adventure to gorge on tasty dishes at local hidden gems around Korea.