Түлхүүр үг Airplane
Inception 2010
Toy Story 2 1999
하이재킹 2024
Emmanuelle 1974
Jurassic Park III 2001
Top Gun 1986
Plane 2023
Donnie Darko 2001
War of the Worlds 2005
Bee Movie 2007
Airplane! 1980
Twelve Monkeys 1995
2035 онд ялтан Жеймс Коул дэлхийн бараг бүх хүн амыг устгаж, амьд үлдсэн хүмүүсийг газар доорх бүлгүүдэд хүргэсэн үхлийн аюултай вирусын гарал үүслийг олж илрүүлэхийн тулд цаг тухайд нь буцааж илгээхээр дурамжхан ажилласан. Гэвч Коулыг 1996 он биш 1990 он руу андуурч явуулахад түүнийг баривчилж, сэтгэцийн эмнэлэгт хорьжээ. Тэнд тэрээр сэтгэл зүйч доктор Кэтрин Рэйлитэй уулзаж, алуурчин өвчнийг тайлах үүрэгтэй 12 сармагчингийн арми хэмээх нууцлаг луйварчдын бүлэглэлийн түлхүүрийг атгаж магадгүй вирусын алдартай шинжээчийн хүү, өвчтөн Жеффри Гойнстой уулздаг.
Pearl Harbor 2001
Romancing the Stone 1984
Con Air 1997
Super Wings 2014
An action-packed preschool series about an adorable jet plane named Jett who travels the world delivering packages to children. On every delivery, Jett encounters a new problem that the he and his friends the Super Wings must work together to solve!
The Flying Doctors 1986
The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.
Baa Baa Black Sheep 1976
The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron.
The A-Team 1983
A fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel work as soldiers of fortune while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit."
Ça décolle 2016
Welcome to Superior Air! Buckle up, put your seat in the upright position, and get ready for the jokes to fly at 30,000 feet. Kim, Clara and Justin, our senior flight crew, will make sure that every flight is unforgettable. On each trip passengers of all ages, with their own stories, will board the plane for a destination.
Departure 2019
Follow the mystery of Flight 716 - a passenger plane that vanishes over the Atlantic Ocean. Following the mysterious crash, recently widowed, brilliant aviation investigator Kendra Malley is called in to investigate by her former boss and mentor Howard Lawson.
Into the Night 2020
When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.
Red Eye 2024
London police officer DC Hana Li is escorting Dr Matthew Nolan back to Beijing where he has been accused of a crime. However, on board flight 357, she finds herself embroiled in an escalating conspiracy and a growing number of murders.
Hijack 2023
When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?
The Airport Diary 2012
Small plane Winky dreams of seeing the world while meeting friends at the airport, including the transport plane Gugu and the private jet Force King.
Wings 1988
Aviation history series which aired on the Discovery Channel family of networks. Originally called Great Planes.
WWII Air Crash Detectives 2014
Garth Barnard has a lifelong passion and unshakeable resolve to investigate how thousands of young Airmen from the Second World War died in catastrophic air accidents and training crashes.
Luftens Helter 2007
Cutbacks in SAS allows the captain Odd Grenland and 2nd pilot Birger Wom get fired because they are too old. They buy a used aircraft with their own money, and together they start the company Senior Air.
LA to Vegas 2018
An ensemble workplace comedy about a group of underdogs trying to find their place in the world, set on the Friday night flight from LAX to Vegas and the returning flight on Sunday, who all share the same goal: to come back a winner in the casino of life.
Last Exile 2003
A richly romantic action-adventure fantasy, set in a world where retro-futuristic vehicles permeate the skies. Against this lavish background are the lives of young and heroic van ship sky porters - Claus and Lavie - who are forced to take on the mission to deliver a mysterious girl, Alvis, to the battle ship Silvana. Before they know it, they become entangled in an aerial adventure between two countries gripped in an eternal war of magnificent air battleships.
Airline 2004
Airline is an American reality television series that showcases the daily happenings of passengers, ground workers and on-board staff members of Southwest Airlines. The series debuted on January 5, 2004 on A&E and ran for three seasons.
Brasil a Bordo 2018
A airline family company out of this world.
Fly Girls 2010
A look at the lives of the charismatic jet-setting flight attendants on America's hippest new airline: Virgin America.
Mile High 2003
Mile High is a British television drama based on the lives of the cabin crew members of Fresh!, a budget airline based in London. The name of the show comes from the "Mile High Club". The show was broadcast on Sky1 from 2003 to 2005 and subsequently aired again on Sky Three. In 2012, CBS Drama obtained the rights to the series and began to re-run it from the beginning.
Pan Am 2011
In this modern world, air travel represents the height of luxury and Pan Am is the biggest name in the business. The planes are glamorous, the pilots are rock stars and the stewardesses are the most desirable women in the world. They're trained to handle everything from in-air emergencies to unwanted advances—all without rumpling their pristine uniforms or mussing their hair.