
Матрицата 1999


Кога една непозната жена (Кери Ен-Мос) го води компјутерскиот хакер Нео (Кијану Ривс) до забранетото подземје, тој ја открива шокантната вистина - животот што го познавал е смислена измама на злобна компјутерска интелигенција. Нео му се придружува на легендарниот и опасен бунтовник Морфеус (Лоренс Фишбурн) во битката да се уништи илузијата што го поробува човештвото. Сега, секој потег, секоја секунда, секоја мисла прераснува во борба за опстанок - да се избега од Матрицата.



Momo 1986



Жешко кафе

Жешко кафе 2011


Зајнфелд се исмеваше со тој случај. Летерман го рангираше меѓу врвните десет настани. И по повеќе од петнаесет години, неговата злогласност продолжува. Сите знаат за случајот со кафето на „Мекдоналдс“, кој беше рутински цитиран како пример за тоа како граѓаните го искористуваат правниот систем на Америка, но дали чесно се прикажувани фактите? „Жешко кафе“ истражува што навистина се има случено со Стела Либек, жена од Албукерки, која си истури жешко кафе врз себе и го тужеше „Мекдоналдс“, како и со три други случаи на луѓе кои бараа правда. Тоа е фасцинантен поглед на движењето за менување на правниот систем и неговото влијание врз системот за граѓанска правда.


Would I Lie to You?

Would I Lie to You? 2007


A comedic panel show featuring team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell plus two guests per side, hosted by Rob Brydon (formerly Angus Deayton). Each person must reveal embarrassing facts and outrageous lies during a series of different rounds including "Home Truths", "This Is My..." and "Quickfire Lies". It is up to the opposing team to tell tall tales from fantastic facts.


Love Never Lies: Poland

Love Never Lies: Poland 2022


Six couples test their trust with an eye-scanning lie detector in this reality series where deception costs money, and the truth comes with a prize.


My Name

My Name 2021


Following her father's murder, a revenge-driven woman puts her trust in a powerful crime boss — and enters the police force under his direction.


The Five Juanas

The Five Juanas 2021


Five women with the same birthmark set out to unravel the truth about their pasts and discover a tragic web of lies spun by a powerful politician.



Kitz 2021


Seeking revenge on the girl she blames for her brother's death, a Kitzbühel waitress infiltrates the glitzy world of a group of wealthy Munich teens.



Eden 2021


Thousands of years in the future, a city known as "Eden 3" is inhabited solely by robots whose former masters vanished a long time ago. On a routine assignment, two farming robots accidentally awaken a human baby girl from stasis questioning all they were taught to believe -- that humans were nothing more than a forbidden ancient myth. Together, the two robots secretly raise the child in a safe haven outside Eden.


Day and Night

Day and Night 2017


Twin brothers Guan Hongfeng and Guan Hongyu find themselves caught up in a brutal massacre that destroyed their family. As they face off against a shadowy criminal organization, they join forces with others to uncover the truth behind the 213 massacre.


Unsealed: Conspiracy Files

Unsealed: Conspiracy Files 2012


We've all heard them ... the Mafia killed JFK, the government had a hand in 9/11 and the existence of aliens is the world's best-kept secret. Conspiracy theories are as old as mankind itself, and for just as long people have been taking sides. The advent of the internet provides a unique opportunity to level the playing field and give all men equal access to the facts. In April 2011, the FBI finally relented and established an online repository of files, documents and reports called "The Vault". Unsealed: Conspiracy Files is a ground breaking new show that shines a light on many of these archived case files.



Tijuana 2019


When a prominent politician is murdered, the intrepid journalists of Frente Tijuana risk their lives to uncover the truth.


To Tell the Truth

To Tell the Truth 2016


A modern reimagination of the classic game show. In each round, a celebrity panel will be presented with three people who all claim to be the same person with the same incredible talent, job or achievement. One is sworn to tell the truth while the others are not.


The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth 2008


One participant. Twenty-one questions. All that is required is the ability to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


Would I Lie to You?

Would I Lie to You? 2022


This American version of the British comedy panel features team captains joined by a stellar cast of celebrity guests who weave elaborate tales… that may or may not be the truth. Competing teams then ask questions and watch body language to determine which are outrageous but true, and which are made-up stories.



TruthPoint 2019


Independent Journalists Dril and Derek Estevez-Olsen plunge the foulest reaches of the Dark Web to pulverize society's most pressing issues with reasoned debate.


A Big Little Murder

A Big Little Murder 2019


Through exclusive interviews, this documentary attempts to uncover the truth behind the brutal 2017 murder of a young Indian schoolboy.



Traitor 2004


A psychological elimination game show in which nine contestants must work out which of them has turned traitor in order to win £5,000. All claim to be telling the truth, but two are lying.


Secrets, Lies, and DNA Ties

Secrets, Lies, and DNA Ties 2023


When questions about familial genealogy arise, it's up to two diligent and sophisticated owners of the company DNA Confidential to unearth the Secrets, Lies and DNA Ties among their clients in order to get the answers needed.


Nothing But the Truth

Nothing But the Truth 2007


Contestants have to answer the truth to a tailored set of increasingly personal questions about their life in order to win a jackpot of £50,000.



Testament 1970


The story of a small group of believers who turned the world upside down.