Naad The Sound

Naad The Sound 2021


This story revolves around a little girl named Mohul, who in her subconscious mind acquires a habit of humming a tune . This became a reason of concern to Mohul's father Debashish as they belonged to a hindu community. Debashis was not against any particular religion or any community, but he was worried that if Mohul continued to sing this song even in his absence, she would be typecasted as belonging to a particular community.



Pencil 1970


This film has been made during LOCKDOWN following all the rules and regulations set by the Government. No actor or crew member has stepped out of their house during the making and have followed safe social Distancing. Family members of the respective actors have helped shoot their respective portions in the film. #spooksrk winner by Redchillies Entertainment.


Achena Shahar

Achena Shahar 2021


Achena Shahar is a 2021 Bengali short patriotic film. It was directed by Abhijit Ashok Paul (Abhijit Paul) and produced under the banner of Abhifx Studio. Cast: Pranab Kr Nath, Nisha Deb.


Chhipi The Cap

Chhipi The Cap 2019


Chhipi The Cap, a bottle is nothing without its cap. And here is the importance of a cap. Thus a Cap can make us useful or useless by positioning differently. In this film I tried to give a small innovative idea to stop the reuse of plastic bottles towards eco-friendly environment.


Scripted Short Film

Scripted Short Film 2014


Scripted- in this world we all are playing our respective rolls, a great filosopher Eric berne (disciple of sigmund freud) said that we all have our script in our mind, that called life script. we need to figure it out what we have to do with our life. What if, script physically exists in this world? People can play their respective roles according to their script. They can change their script according to their demands. Actually they can change their destiny. As William Shakespeare said -“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances.”