Cecil Thornton Delayed Action Escape by Night Mrs. Fitzherbert The Case of the Frightened Lady 24 Hours of a Woman's Life Young Wives' Tale Lucky Girl Dual Alibi The Peterville Diamond Candlelight in Algeria Flying Fortress Invitation To The Waltz No Funny Business The 'Feather' Bed: A Mrs. Feather Dilemma Der Weg zur Schande The Crouching Beast Radio Parade of 1935 Murder! The Black Hand Gang The Flame of Love Out of the Blue Mr. Bill the Conqueror Let's Love and Laugh For the Love of Mike My Wife's Family Strip, Strip, Hooray! Mary Juno and the Paycock My Brother Jonathan Old Mother Riley at Home Father's Doing Fine Man on the Run Loyal Heart Uneasy Terms Appointment with Crime The American Prisoner Children of Chance The Gay Dog