Bill Block He's All That Biškopis A Perfect Getaway District 9 Teksasas nāves lauki Belly Alex Cross Sabotage Here Atstātie Haunt The Center of the World Austrumu dēka Niknais Elizeja Atzīsties, Fleč! Harvest Moon Strange Darling The Home Old Dads Sick A Working Man Sliktās mammas 2 Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Helovīns Inheritance Gray Matter Stir of Echoes Vaniļas debesis Džentlmeņi Cilvēka dusmas The Exorcism Sliktās mammas First Born The Way of the Gun Neķītrais Opis Uncle Frank The Perfection W. Fading Gigolo Devil's Pond Operācija Fortūna: Māksla uzvarēt Mother/Android Halloween Ends Helovīns nogalina