D. B. Sweeney Brālis lācis Dinosaur Spawn Hardball Rise & Fall: The World Trade Center Entry Level Miracle at St. Anna Memphis Belle No Man's Land Two Tickets to Paradise Eight Men Out Gardens of Stone Speak Stiletto Fire in the Sky Swamp Shark The Cutting Edge Heatstroke Amarillo Reporting for Christmas Hear No Evil Nolaupītā 2 Superfire Blue Desert Going to the Mat Atlas Shrugged: Part II Deep in the Heart 12 Dogs of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue K-11 The Weekend Underdogs Leather Jackets The Book of Stars Introducing Dorothy Dandridge Miss Rose White Free Fall Roommates En dag i oktober Megapole Extraction Laupīšana Rise and Fall: The World Trade Center The Boxcar Children Chi-Raq That's Amore! The Resurrection of Gavin Stone Darvina balva Dead on Arrival After Sex Ieslodzījumā Sons Goosed Fire with Fire Greenmail Power Heaven Is a Playground The Manson Brothers: Midnight Zombie Massacre Haymaker Out of the Darkness False Creek Stories Wisdom From the Apocalypse Elwood Two Tickets to Paradise Two Tickets to Paradise Jericho CSI: Nozieguma vietas izmeklēšana EP Daily Once and Again Harsh Realm Kapeņu stāstiņi Divarpus vīri Noziedzīgie prāti Life As We Know It Hallmark Hall of Fame Beyond the Glory Strange Luck C-16: FBI Avatārs: Leģenda par Koru Lonesome Dove Kāsla metode Doktors Hauss The Outer Limits Ice Mountain Men B Positive Noziedzīgie prāti C.S.I.: Maiami Phineas and Ferb Celebrity Ghost Stories Asi priekšmeti Vegas Leverage Touch The Closer Heart of the City Speciālo uzdevumu vienība S.W.A.T. Īpašo uzdevumu vienība Hawaii 5-0