Kenneth Mitchell The Recruit Why Don't You Dance Iron Road Tasmanian Devils Miracle Tennis Anyone? Meteor Blood Honey Charms for the Easy Life Kapteine Mārvela Home of the Giants Kāsla metode Jericho Ghost Whisperer C.S.I.: Maiami Odyssey 5 The Unit Without a Trace Flashpoint Lielākie noziegumi Meteor NCIS: izmeklēšanas dienests Nozieguma skelets The Astronaut Wives Club Switched at Birth Minority Report CSI: Cyber Grejas anatomija Mentālists NCIS: Los Angeles Heivena Law & Order: LA Star Trek: Discovery CSI: Nozieguma vietas izmeklēšana Leap Years Grimm The Old Man Star Trek: Discovery Ķermenis kā pierādījums Drop Dead Diva Lie to Me Noziedzīgie prāti Private Practice Star Trek: Discovery Monday Mornings Iron Road Nancy Drew See Īpašo uzdevumu vienība Hawaii 5-0 Star Trek: Discovery Star Trek: Lower Decks