Emily Watson Šķeļot viļņus Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek The Life and Death of Peter Sellers Angela's Ashes Corpse Bride Gosford Park Synecdoche, New York Cold Souls Equilibrium Fireflies in the Garden Mīlas skurbulī Trixie Metroland Cradle Will Rock Sarkanais pūķis The Legend of Ochi Mošķu ģimenīte 2 Miss Potter Tādi nieki Cemetery Junction The Memory Keeper's Daughter Wah-Wah Midas Man Separate Lies The Proposition The Boxer Hilary and Jackie Tranceformer: A Portrait of Lars von Trier A Summer Day's Dream The Luzhin Defence Oranges and Sunshine Ūdens zirgs Meerkats 3D Kara zirgs Within the Whirlwind Anna Kareņina The Mill on the Floss Bella Grāmatu zagle Some Girl(s) Little Boy Teorija par visu A Director's Journey: The Making of 'Red Dragon' Atmiņas par nākotni Brīvdienas Londonā Everests Midday Sun A Song for Jenny Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism The Dresser On Chesil Beach Hamnet Mošķu ģimenīte The Happy Prince King Lear Weinstein Ballchewer Kingsman: Zelta aplis The Making of 'Gosford Park' 33 Liberty Lane God's Creatures Late in Summer Fado! The Early Show The Oscars Appropriate Adult The Politician's Husband Fired on Mars Performance Grēcīgā ābeļdārza iela Ģēnijs Little Women Merilinas Monro slepenā dzīve Černobiļa Kāpa: Pareģojums Too Close Trešā diena Trešā diena