Doug Savant Godzilla Teen Wolf Trick or Treat Masquerade Red Surf Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence A Face to Kill for First Target First Shot The Hanoi Hilton First Daughter Paint It Black Faultline Playing for Keeps Aftermath: A Test of Love Shaking the Tree April Rain Terminal The One Dropping Out Secret Admirer Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story All You've Got The Knife and Gun Club In the Heat of the Night The Ellen DeGeneres Show CSI: Nozieguma vietas izmeklēšana The District Bīstamās mājsaimnieces The View The Guardian The Facts of Life China Beach Džima dēļ Harsh Realm 24 Nip/Tuck Hotel Knots Landing Jeopardy! Profiler Cagney & Lacey Melrouzpleisa Jake and the Fatman Family Law The Outer Limits Rizoli un Aila Jauniņais Kāsla metode Rush Hour Firefly Scorpion Lucifers Noziedzīgie prāti Makgaivers Burke's Law NCIS: izmeklēšanas dienests Dirty John Stars in the House Skaistules Klīvlendā 9-1-1 NCIS: izmeklēšanas dienests Leverage: Redemption X-faili. Slepenās lietas The Company You Keep L.A.'s Finest The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents Columbo Halt and Catch Fire The Cleaning Lady Speciālo uzdevumu vienība S.W.A.T. Īpašo uzdevumu vienība Hawaii 5-0