Bīstamā metode

Bīstamā metode 2011


Keira Naitlija, Maikls Fasbinders un Vigo Mortensens – godalgotā režisora Deivida Kronenberga trillerī par psihoanalīzes tēvu Zigmunda Freida un Karla Gustava Junga sāncensību. Karls Jungs uzņemas ārstēt nelīdzsvarotu un nervozu skaistuli Sabīnu, un ārstēšanas pamatā viņš izmanto sava skolotāja Zigmunda Freida metodi.


Cathedral of the Sea

Cathedral of the Sea 2018


In the 14th century, Barcelona is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments. The city has grown to La Ribera, a fishing district in which the largest Marian temple ever known is built: Santa María del Mar. But the construction runs parallel to Arnau Estanyol, a serf of the land who, fleeing the abuses of The feudal lords of the countryside take refuge in Barcelona.