Atslēgvārds Double Life
Ainsi soient-elles 1995
Neviens 2021
Betmens 1989
Tumšais bruņinieks, likuma un kārtības aizstāvis Gotemā, Betmens mīņājas ēnu valstībā starp labo un ļauno, izmantojot vienīgi savas cīņas prasmes un aso prātu, lai aizsargātu nevainīgos un atbrīvotos no atmiņām par nežēlīgo vecāku noslepkavošanu, nemitīgi slēpjot savu patieso, miljonāra un filantropa Brūsa Veina, identitāti kā rūpīgi glabātu noslēpumu.
Betmens atgriežas 1992
Tikai Betmens var pasargāt pilsētu no pilnīga haosa, kad Pingvīns apdraud metropoles mieru un kārtību. Tikmēr Tumsas bruņinieks, iespējams, saticis sev līdzvērtīgu būtni – nāvīgi lokano Kaķsievieti. Viņš tikai nezina - viņa ir draugs... vai ienaidnieks.
Total Recall 1990
Spiegu bērni 2001
Gregorio un Ingrīda ir divi spiegi, kuri iemīlas un apprecas. Pēc bērnu piedzimšanas viņi atvaļinās no spiegošanas. Tomēr kādā brīdī Gregorio un Ingrīdai jāatgriežas spiegošanā pēc tam, kad sāk pazust aģenti, savukārt abu bērniem Džūnijam un Karmenai pēc vecāku patiesās profesijas uzzināšanas jāizglābj vecāki no bērnu televīzijas raidījuma vadītāja.
Batman & Robin 1997
Belle de jour 1967
Hanna Montana: Filma 2009
L'Aile ou la Cuisse 1976
Undercover Brother 2002
Freier Fall 2013
Stormbreaker 2006
Neglābjamie 2018
Kādas tumšas un bīstamas pilsētas sirdī divi slepkavas īsteno ļaunu plānu, kāda skolotāja cīnās ar neārstējamu slimību, bet noslēpumaina apkopēja un dīvaina viesmīle dzīvo bīstamas dubultās dzīves. Kādu nakti viņu dzīvesstāsti savijas, pie apvāršņa parādoties kādam atriebības dzītam kriminālam ģēnijam.
Hannah Montana 2006
At home and school, she's Miley Stewart, a typical teenager, but when the lights go down and the curtain goes up, she emerges as the glamorous and talented Hannah Montana. Having the "Best of Both Worlds" is a complicated proposition, and keeping her identity under wraps leads Miley and her friends into some hilarious capers as she tries to balance her normal life with her rock star persona.
Dexter 2006
Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police also leads a secret life as a serial killer, hunting down criminals who have slipped through the cracks of justice.
Banshee 2013
Banshee is an American drama television series set in a small town in Pennsylvania Amish country and features an enigmatic ex-con posing as a murdered sheriff who imposes his own brand of justice while also cooking up plans that serve his own interests.
Juego de ilusiones 2023
Goodnight Sweetheart 1993
Gary Sparrow is an ordinary bloke in 1990s Britain, married to the ambitious Yvonne and working as a TV repairman. Then his whole world changes when he stumbles upon a portal to WWII-era London and begins a dual life as an accidental time traveler.
The Batman 2004
A young billionaire Bruce Wayne fights crime and evil as the mysterious vigilante, The Batman.
Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry? 2010
Pull back the curtain on bizarre double lives and see the real stories of men and women who thought they were happily married, until the day they uncovered a shocking secret about their spouse leading them to wonder who it is they really fell in love with.
Double Take 2018
Noa is a teenaged- singer, actress and model who navigates the equally complicated worlds of high school and celebrity. With an ex-best friend thinking fame has changed her, a manager who controls her every career move, and anonymous internet blogger Kitty Popper who writes scathing posts about her- Noa is forced to deal with confrontations on all fronts. But what no one knows is that Noa is actually Kitty Popper - she criticizes herself under a pseudonym to pressure her manager to take her career in the direction that she wants it to go. But when an actual stalker threatens Noa – she and her friends are forced into action.
Vigilante 2023
Kim Ji-yong leads a double life as a Korean National Police University student by day and the Vigilante by night, personally punishing criminals who evade the law. He is surrounded by people who all possess different ulterior motives.
The Matchmakers 2023
Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon.
Doona! 2023
A college student navigates life and school while dealing with a unique predicament — he's living with a beautiful former K-pop sensation.
Jekyll and Hyde 2015
Inspired by the original novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde is set in 1930s London and follows Robert Jekyll, the grandson of Henry Jekyll, on his quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his ‘curse’ – which his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, is controlling with medication. His journey takes him into a dark and unforgiving place, as his alter ego seems capable of anything. At the same time there are shadowy forces trying to find Jekyll and the source of his powers.
Awakening 2021
Investigator Pavel Frolov gets into a car accident. After that, his life is torn into two parallel realities — in one of them his son Kirill survived the disaster, in the other his wife Svetlana. Every morning, when Pavel wakes up, he finds himself alternately, in reality with his son, then with his wife. In each of these lives, he tries to find out who or what is behind the accident in order to try to connect the two realities together. And at the same time, to return the respect of his son and the love of his wife, to whom he often preferred work before.
Bionic Woman 2007
Jaime Sommers is saved from death after receiving experimental medical implants. While adjusting to her new bionic powers and raising a rebellious younger sister, Jaime agrees to work for the Berkut Group, a quasi-governmental private organisation that performed her surgery.
Cybersix 1999
In the dark megalopolis of Méridiana, the silhouette of a mysterious character named Cybersix emerges, having escaped her creator, Doctor Von Reichter. By day, Cybersix, who adopted the male identity of Adrian Seidelman, is a literature teacher in a local high school and, by night, she 'transforms' back into Cybersix to fight Von Reichter's abominable creations and foil his plans. Soon, she's aided by her surviving brother, now named Data 7, a black bioroid panther.
Awake 2012
Michael lives in two separate realities after a car accident. In one reality, his wife Hannah survives the accident; in the other reality, his son Rex survives. Michael does not know which reality is "real", and uses the wristbands to differentiate the two. He sees two therapists: Dr. Jonathan Lee in the "red reality" and Dr. Judith Evans in the "green reality". At work, Michael's erratic behavior triggers clashes with his team; they do not know about Michael's uncanny ability to solve crimes using details from both realities.
An Ordinary Woman 2018
Marina is in her late 30s, she has a successful business and a close-knit family. Her husband is a surgeon and her daughters study at fancy establishments. To everybody her life seems perfect. Though, it is all just a facade concealing the real problems: her husband has a mistress, her elder daughter is a slacker and drug-dealer, her youngest is a sociopath. Well, Marina herself is not really a flower-lady, but a brothel-keeper who is hiding her dark business from everyone. The truth may come out when a girl of Marina’s is found dead.
Dr. Dog 2007
Dr. Dog is a sensitive, caring doctor and a frisky, floppy-eared pooch!
Fatal Affairs 2024
Sordid tales of love triangles turn into mysterious whodunits, when one of three entwined in a fatal affair winds up dead. In this risky game of illicit love and secret sex, who will end up paying the ultimate price?