Kreisie poliči

Kreisie poliči 2014


Saņēmuši ielūgumu uz kostīmu ballīti, Džastins un Raiens nolemj pārģērbties par policistiem un draugi iegūst nedalītu popularitāti ballītes viesu vidū. Panākumu iedvesmoti, viņi nolemj turpināt šo spēli arī ikdienas dzīvē, taču pilnīgi nejauši iepinas īstā kriminālā notikumā. Tagad ir pienācis...


Cilvēka dusmas

Cilvēka dusmas 2021


Noslēpumainais un saltacainais jaunais inkasācijas firmas apsargs Patriks Hils pārsteidz kolēģus, kad uzbrukuma laikā viņa precīzie šāvieni vienpersonīgi uzveic laupītājus. Komanda paliek neziņā, kas īsti ir jaunais kolēģis un kādi ir viņa nolūki. Drīz vien precīzā šāvēja plāni atklājas, kad viņš sper spējus un negrozāmus soļus, lai nokārtotu rēķinus.


Zaļknābis pie stūres

Zaļknābis pie stūres 2017


Viņš ir jauns un talantīgs, galvenokārt, tad, kad ātri jātiek prom no nozieguma vietas. Kad viņš satiek savu sapņu meiteni, viņš saredz iespēju aizmukt no kriminālās pasaules. Taču tas nav tik vienkārši kā šķiet - Mazais tiek iesaistīts vēl vienā noziegumā, kas apdraud viņa dzīvi, mīlestību un brīvību.


Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt

Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt 2016


Jauni piedzīvojumi Dž. K. Roulingas radītajā burvju pasaulē ir klāt! Tie tevi aizvedīs uz 70 gadu Ameriku pirms Harijs Poters Anglijā iepazina burvju pasauli. Jauns burvis Ņūts Skamanders ieradies Ņujorkā pēc pasaules apceļošanas, lai apkopotu un iepazītu pasaules neparastākās būtnes. Tur viņš sastop Jēkabu, vientiesi, kurš atver Ņūta čemodānu un izlaiž brīvībā visus viņa savāktās fantastiskās būtnes. Lai glābtu Ņujorku no haosa, Ņūts ir spiests meklēt un atrast visas pazudušās būtnes.


Cietais rieksts 3

Cietais rieksts 3 1995


Džonam Makleinam diez ko neveicas. Viņa laulība pamazām izirst, viņš ir atstādināts no amata, un nu Hansa Grūbera (vācu terorists, kuru Džons nosvieda no jumta pirms pāris gadiem) brālis draud uzspridzināt kādu skolu, ja Makleins nepiekritīs skraidīt pa pilsētu, cenšoties atrisināt Grūbera bīstamos uzdevumus.



Sadursme 1995


Nīls Makkoulijs savu ceļu noziedzības pasaulē izkarojis pats. Viņš ir gudrs, vērīgs un nenotverams. Makkoulijs ir viens no iekārojamākajiem zagļiem kriminālajās aprindās, kurš rūpīgi izkalkulē riskus. Ja zādzību nav iespējams veikt 30 sekundēs, tad tas nav tā vērts. Vinss Hanna ir ambiciozs policists, kurš nepieļauj kļūdas un vienmēr ir «spēles virsotnēs».



Ķēriens 2000


Frenkijs ir dimanta zaglis, kuram jānogādā milzīgs gabals savam priekšniekam Avi, bet pa ceļam Boriss viņu vilina likt likmes uz nelegālu boksa maču. Patiesībā tas ir slazds, kā viņu aplaupīt, tāpēc, kad Avi to uzzina, viņš nolīgst Toniju, lai atrastu Franku un dimantu. Drīz tiek atklāts Frankija bēdīgais liktenis, un pazudušā dārgakmens medības un sagūstīšana ikvienu noved pie trakas spēles, kas riskē nonākt ārpus kontroles, kur maldināšana, šantāža un krāpšana tiek asiņaini sajaukti ar suņiem, dimantiem, bokseriem un dažādiem ieročiem haotiskas melnās pusdienas.



Džentlmeņi 2020


Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.



Nožēlojamie 2012


Filmas darbība risinās 19. Gs. Francijā. Žans Valžāns, kuru jau gadiem meklē nežēlīgais policists Žavērs, apsola parūpēties par fabrikas strādnieces Fantinas meitu Kozeti. Šis liktenīgais lēmums izmaina daudzas dzīves.



Banshee 2013


Banshee is an American drama television series set in a small town in Pennsylvania Amish country and features an enigmatic ex-con posing as a murdered sheriff who imposes his own brand of justice while also cooking up plans that serve his own interests.


Money Heist

Money Heist 2017


To carry out the biggest heist in history, a mysterious man called The Professor recruits a band of eight robbers who have a single characteristic: none of them has anything to lose. Five months of seclusion - memorizing every step, every detail, every probability - culminate in eleven days locked up in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain, surrounded by police forces and with dozens of hostages in their power, to find out whether their suicide wager will lead to everything or nothing.


Sinking Spring

Sinking Spring 1970


Two lifelong friends from Philadelphia pose as DEA agents to rob a country house, but the small-scale grift quickly becomes a matter of life and death. The friends soon unravel as they find one of the biggest narcotics corridors on the East Coast.


Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area

Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area 2022


Disguised under the shadows of a mask, a crew of desperados band together under the leadership of a criminal mastermind known only as “The Professor” to pull off the biggest heist Korea has ever seen.


Who Is Erin Carter?

Who Is Erin Carter? 2023


A British woman's tranquil life in Barcelona spirals out of control when an armed robbery at a supermarket exposes her secret... and violent past.


Ronja the Robber's Daughter

Ronja the Robber's Daughter 2024


Loving, loyal and unafraid, the daughter of a wanted robber chief makes a secret friend in her father's magical and treacherous forest.


The Debt

The Debt 2003


Geoff Dresner is a retired safe-breaker who's turned his back on crime to make an honest living as a baker. But his past comes back to haunt him when he's forced to take on one more job in order to help his family.


We Own This City

We Own This City 2022


The story of the rise and fall of the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force — and the corruption and moral collapse that befell an American city in which the policies of drug prohibition and mass arrest were championed at the expense of actual police work.



Ran 2005


Five boys meet in their teens. This lays the foundation for a career in crime, driven on by the dream of the big heist. Police are becoming aware of them, but the biggest threat is proving to be their own friendship. "Ran" is a high-profile television drama for four episodes. It a mix of drama and action, which is about both spectacular robberies, and about friendship and affiliation. The dilemma the gang encounters is similar to what most of us experience: there comes a point in life where the roads separate, where you realize that you and your old friends have grown apart. This causes a bigger problems for these guys, as this break is not just a little sad and melancholy experience - it is also a threat to their life, their future and their identity.


The Left Wing Gang

The Left Wing Gang 2009


In 1989, seven radical left-wing activists were charged of being behind a series of the most professional robberies in the history of Denmark. The many millions stolen in the gang's activities were transferred to the terror organization PFLP with the aim of supporting anti-Israeli Palestinians. The assumed leader of the gang, Jan Weimann, never revealed his double life to his wife or friends, and police superintendent Jørn Moos, who was in charge of the investigation, staked his career to catch the gang members.


The Great Heist

The Great Heist 2020


Based on the 1994 robbery of US$33 million from Colombia's central bank, which turned the country upside down.


The Gold

The Gold 2023


On 26 November 1983, six armed men break into the Brink's-Mat security depot, stumbling across gold bullion worth £26m.


The Day

The Day 2018


The nerve-racking events of a cold winter's day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims.


The Last Templar

The Last Templar 2009


The Last Templar is a four-hour Canadian miniseries, based on the 2005 novel The Last Templar, which aired in the U.S. on January 25 and 26, 2009, starring Mira Sorvino, Scott Foley, Victor Garber, Anthony Lemke, Kenneth Welsh, Danny Blanco Hall and Omar Sharif. The miniseries is produced by Muse Entertainment Enterprises. Emmy Award-winning Robert Halmi Sr., along with Robert Halmi Jr., and Michael Prupas are the executive producers.


Hei$t: The Great Robbery of Brazil's Central Bank

Hei$t: The Great Robbery of Brazil's Central Bank 2022


In August 2005, through a tunnel almost 80 meter long, thiefs invaded the bank vault of Brazil's Central Bank in Fortaleza and stole over 160 milions reais, ou or nealy 3,5 tons of cash. This documenty explores that spectacular and historic heist.


Money's Father

Money's Father 1987


In the framework of the comedy, the work deals with the story of Rahe, nicknamed Abu Al-Falus, who owns his own perfume shop, and when he is subjected to a scam and fraud, Rahi soon begins to try to recover what was taken from him.



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.