Pusnakts Parīzē 2011
Džils ar savu līgavu dodas atvaļinājumā uz Parīzi, lai gūtu iedvesmu savai nākamajai lugai
Džils ar savu līgavu dodas atvaļinājumā uz Parīzi, lai gūtu iedvesmu savai nākamajai lugai
Miki Ishimoto, a recent college graduate, is so excited to have landed her first job! Although she's inexperienced, she's to be the manager for a new boy band. Miki thinks life couldn't be going more smoothly, until she finds out that her new boy band members are all... Greco-Roman stone busts?
Our citizen space accommodates a large number of artistic manifestations that account for the way in which their authors interpret the context in which they are immersed. Living Art is a series of 10 chapters that seeks to be the reflection of the views of those who through art pay new ways of interpreting the world but above all to share their interests, their passions as well as their likes and dislikes which are a fundamental part of his inspiration, thus focusing on his human side.
In Rome, a Virgin Mary statue is found crying blood. Pondering on the implications of the existence of miracles, and eventually, the existence of God, the people involved in the enigma start losing their minds.
First broadcast on October 2, 1989, these 18 original 30-minute episodes provide a panorama of 2000 years of architecture, painting and sculpture, and studies the art masterpieces as reflections of the Western culture that produced them.