Atslēgvārds Video Surveillance
Nē 2022
Kalifornijas nekurienē kāda rančo iemītnieki saskaras ar neparastu atklājumu, kas uzdzīs šausmu drebuļus.
The Captive 2014
Ielu advokāts 2011
Mikijs Holers ir advokāts krimināllietās un strādā sava automobiļa "Lincoln" aizmugurējā sēdeklī. Braukādams starp daudzajiem Losandželosas tiesas namiem, viņš aizstāv raibu publiku - Mikija klientu vidū ir rokeri, autovadītāji, kas braukuši dzērumā, ielasmeitas, narkotiku izplatītāji... Šoreiz viņam trāpījusies nozīmīgākā lieta karjerā - aizstāvēt Beverlihilsas pleiboju Luisu Ruletu, kurš apsūdzēts izvarošanā un slepkavības mēģinājumā. Taču šķietami vienkāršā lieta pārvēršas par neprognozējamu spēli uz dzīvību un nāvi pašam Holeram.
Sliver 1993
Don't Say a Word 2001
Spun 2003
Sfēra 2017
Kad Meja tiek pieņemta darbā pasaules lielākajā un varenākajā tehnoloģiju un sociālo mediju kompānijā, viņa to uzskata par dzīves lielo iespēju. Redzot ambiciozās meitenes izaugsmi, kompānijas dibinātājs iedrošina viņu piedalīties unikālā eksperimentā, kas nojauc privātās dzīves, ētikas un personiskās brīvības robežas. Mejas dalība eksperimentā un katrs viņas lēmums sāk ietekmēt viņas draugu un tuvinieku dzīves un nākotni.
Bangkok Dangerous 2008
Redbelt 2008
The Good Neighbor 2016
Red Road 2006
Paparazzi 2004
My Little Eye 2002
13 Cameras 2016
Outlaw 2007
Boy Meets Girl 1994
36.15 code Père Noël 1990
Fear X 2003
Celebrity Big Brother 2001
Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run.
Welcome to Eden 2022
Are you happy? With this question, Zoa and four other attractive young people, very active on social networks, are invited to the most exclusive party in history on a secret island, organized by the brand of a new drink. What begins as an exciting journey will soon become the journey of a lifetime. But paradise is not really what it seems - Welcome to Eden.
See No Evil 2015
Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.
The Murder Tapes 2019
Incorporating bodycam footage from the initial crime scene, surveillance video, and interrogation room recordings, homicide investigations unfold through dramatic real video footage providing an up-close perspective on homicide investigations.
Caught in the Act: Unfaithful 2022
Host Tami Roman sets out on a mission geared at empowering suspicious lovers in catching their cheating partners whle in the middle of the act. With a little help from relationship expert Kevin Carr and private investigator Brianne Joseph, she manages to uncover both the truth and the receipts required to expose the cheats. If caught cheating, the show gives the victims of infidelity a choice when it comes to bringing justice: they can team up with the other lover, or ambush both the partner and their lover together.