Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt

Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt 2016


Jauni piedzīvojumi Dž. K. Roulingas radītajā burvju pasaulē ir klāt! Tie tevi aizvedīs uz 70 gadu Ameriku pirms Harijs Poters Anglijā iepazina burvju pasauli. Jauns burvis Ņūts Skamanders ieradies Ņujorkā pēc pasaules apceļošanas, lai apkopotu un iepazītu pasaules neparastākās būtnes. Tur viņš sastop Jēkabu, vientiesi, kurš atver Ņūta čemodānu un izlaiž brīvībā visus viņa savāktās fantastiskās būtnes. Lai glābtu Ņujorku no haosa, Ņūts ir spiests meklēt un atrast visas pazudušās būtnes.



Piedošana 2007


Ir svelmaina 1935. gada Anglijas vasara. Kāda turīga ģimene pulcējas savā muižā, lai pavadītu laiskas brīvdienas. Gaisā virmo nojautas par gaidāmo Otro pasaules karu, kas atstās nedzēšamas pēdas cilvēku dzīvē. Galveno varoņu Sesīlijas Talisas un Robija Tērnera likteni traģiskā virpulī sagriež Sesīlijas jaunākās māsas Brionijas netaisni celtā apsūdzība, vainojot Robiju par noziegumu, kuru viņš nav pastrādājis. Aizkustinošs stāsts par mīlestību, kaislību, nodevību un piedošanu.


Blessing of the Sea

Blessing of the Sea 2019


Sim Chung-Yi has an absolute sense of sight which allows her to identify thousands of colors. She also has a bright personality. Sim Chung-Yi meets Ma Poong-Do who is a pianist. He is highly skilled on the piano, but he receives criticism that he has lack of sensibility. Sim Chung-Yi and Ma Poong-Do develop romantically. Sim Chung-Yi also tries to find a secret of her father.


Windy Mi Poong

Windy Mi Poong 2016


The romance between a bright woman, Mi-Poong, who defected from North Korea and a man, Jang-Go, in Seoul who is a stickler for the rules. Conflicts also arise over a 100 billion won inheritance.


The Banker

The Banker 2019


It’s tell the story of a bank auditor pursues justice and policy changes at a time when an economic bubble is collapsing. No Dae Ho is an honest and sincere man. He works as a branch manager of Daehan Bank which is located in a small city. The branch is on a soon to be shutdown list. Surprisingly, No Dae Ho is promoted to an auditor at the bank’s headquarters in Seoul. No Dae Ho then faces corruption at the bank.


Should We Kiss First

Should We Kiss First 2018


Son Moo-Han works as a managing director of an advertising company. An Soon-Jin lost her daughter unexpectedly and she works as a flight attendant. Eun Kyung-Soo is An Soon-Jin’s ex-husband and he is now married to Baek Ji-Min.


Tattoo Fixers Extreme

Tattoo Fixers Extreme 2015


A number of the UK's most talented tattoo designers help clients transform their tattoo mistakes into works of art. It is estimated that one in six British people who opt to go under the needle later regret their decision. Outrageous artwork, inappropriate quotes or the name of an ex-partner can be chosen in haste but the results are permanent. The talented inkers meet desperate customers at a pop-up studio for their consultations. After the meeting, the client chooses whose design ideas they like best and the artist gets to work. When the session is over, the new tattoos are revealed.


One Bad Choice

One Bad Choice 2015


How one bad decision can change where your life goes.


Business Nightmares with Evan Davis

Business Nightmares with Evan Davis 2011


Even the world's top companies make mistakes. Insiders reveal how plans that seemed like a good idea turned into commercial calamities,