Atslēgvārds Village
Kung Fu Panda 3 2016
Dzīvojot pilnvērtīgu un mīlestības pilnu dzīvi, Po saprot, ka daudz kas jāmācās, ja viņš vēlas izpildīt nākamo trenera doto izaicinājumu. Atkal satiekoties ar sen neredzēto tēvu, Po jāpārvēršas no studenta par skolotāju, un cīņas sportā jāapmāca vairākas neveiklas pandas. Kopā komanda apņemas tikt galā ar ļauno Kai - pārdabisku kaujenieku, kas kļūst stiprāks ar katru nākamo cīņu.
Grinčs 2000
Ziemassvētki tuvojas, visa Vovilla derdzīgi gatavojas tiem un steidz pabeigt visus darbus. Mazā Sindija dodas uz pastu, lai apciemotu savu tēvu, un nejauši sastop Grinču. Visi ir dzirdējuši par Grinču, bet nav to redzējuši, it īpaši mazā Sindija. Grinčs draud sabojāt visiem Ziemassvētkus, nozogot tos. Grinčs to dara tikai tāpēc, ka bērnībā tieši Ziemassvētkos viņš tika atstumts no citiem tāpēc, ka bija citādāks kā pārējie.
Leģenda par pēdējo gaisa pavēlnieku 2010
Gaisa, ūdens, zemes un uguns ciltis vieno kopīgs liktenis, taču negaidīti uguns cilts pret pārējām uzsāk karu, kas turpinās teju gadsimtu. Cerības uz mierīgu nākotni ir izplēnējušas. Ans atklāj, ka viņš ir avatārs, kuram piemīt unikālas spējas – pārvaldīt visas četras dabas stihijas. Viņš apvieno spēkus ar Kataru – ūdens stihijas pavēlnieci un viņas brāli Soku, lai atjaunotu līdzsvaru kara plosītajā pasaulē.
となりのトトロ 1988
Apokalipto 2006
Des Teufels Bad 2024
Outside 2024
Aporia 2019
The North Star 1943
Platoon 1986
七人の侍 1954
Hot Fuzz 2007
The Gorgon 1964
Saules asaras 2003
Komanda, kuru vada SEAL vienības veterinārārsts leitnants Voterss, nonāk Āfrikas sirdī ar misiju glābt daiļo amerikāņu ārstu Dr. Lena Kendricku konflikta zonā. Bet, kad viņa tiek atrasta, viņa atsakās pamest bēgļus, lūdzot Votersu pavadīt viņus caur bīstamajiem Nigērijas džungļiem. Virsniekam nāksies saskarties ar izvēles konfliktu starp sekojošiem saņemtajiem rīkojumiem vai paša sirdsapziņas diktētajiem ...
Operācija "Overlord" 2018
Heartbeat 1992
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Ganga Kii Dheej 2010
Ganga Kii Dheej was an Indian television drama series which premiered on November 15, 2010 on Sahara One. The story dealt with the ordeals faced by young unmarried women in a fictional village called Kaliganj in West Bengal.
Take the High Road 1980
Take the High Road was a British soap opera produced by Scottish Television, set in the fictional village of Glendarroch, which started in February 1980 as an ITV daytime soap opera, and was dropped by the network in 1993, although various members of the ITV Network continued to screen the programme, while others had no interest in doing so. The programme has developed a cult following.
Worzel Gummidge 1979
Worzel Gummidge is a children's comedy series, produced by Southern Television for ITV, based on the books by Barbara Euphan Todd. Starting in 1979, the programme starred Jon Pertwee in the title role and ran for four series in the UK until 1981. Channel 4 reprised the show in 1987 as Worzel Gummidge Down Under, which was set in New Zealand.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 2021
A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way.
Hinterland 2013
Tom Mathias comes to Aberystwyth having abandoned his life in London. He's a brilliant but troubled man. Despite his faults he is an excellent detective, who knows that the key to solving the crime lies not in where you look for truth, but how you look.
Grantchester 2014
In 1953 at the hamlet of Grantchester, Sidney Chambers—a charismatic, charming clergyman—turns investigative vicar when one of his parishioners dies in suspicious circumstances.
Higurashi: When They Cry 2006
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.
Glue 2014
Overton is a small, countryside village where farming is its bread and butter and race horses are its beating heart. When the body of a local resident is found under a tractor, destructive forces are unleashed and the entire community is forced to watch their secrets exposed... chilling secrets that will change their particular way of life forever.
Gannibal 2022
After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious disappearance of a previous officer posted there. One day, the body of an old woman is found on the mountain. The Goto family says she was attacked by a bear, but Daigo notices a human bite mark. It soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems in the village.
The Vicar of Dibley 1994
Reverend Granger is assigned as the Vicar of the rural parish of Dibley, but she is not quite what the villagers expected.
Horná Dolná 2015
New Generation 2021
A six-unit story about the dedication and sacrifice of young citizens in different industries.
Dürüye'nin Güğümleri 2010
Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW 2020
New kid Keiichi Maebara is settling into his new home of peaceful Hinamizawa village. Making quick friends with the girls from his school, he's arrived in time for the big festival of the year. But something about this isolated town seems "off," and his feelings of dread continue to grow. With a gnawing fear that he's right, what dark secrets could this small community be hiding?
Bayttaab Dil Kee Tamanna Hai 2009
Bayttaab Dil Kee Tamanna Hai was an Indian television series that aired on Sony Entertainment Television. The series premiered on October 6, 2009, concluded on February 24, 2010. Apparently, the TRPs of the show which were once skyrocketing then plunged to an all-time low. Thus the channel has decided to replace the show. The channel spent Rs. 50 million to promote the series on Indian news channels, such as Aaj Tak and STAR News.
Foncouverte 1965
Mar de plástico 2015
In a town in southern Spain where racial tensions run high among the workers in its many greenhouses, a cop investigates the murder of a young woman.