Cilvēka dusmas

Cilvēka dusmas 2021


Noslēpumainais un saltacainais jaunais inkasācijas firmas apsargs Patriks Hils pārsteidz kolēģus, kad uzbrukuma laikā viņa precīzie šāvieni vienpersonīgi uzveic laupītājus. Komanda paliek neziņā, kas īsti ir jaunais kolēģis un kādi ir viņa nolūki. Drīz vien precīzā šāvēja plāni atklājas, kad viņš sper spējus un negrozāmus soļus, lai nokārtotu rēķinus.


Miruso ritausma

Miruso ritausma 2004


Georga A. Romero šausmu klasikas pārtaisījums. Neizskaidrojams mēris ir iznīcinājis planētas iedzīvotājus, pārvēršot mirušos par briesmīgiem zombijiem, kuri nepārtraukti meklē cilvēka miesu un asinis, lai izdzīvotu. Viskonsīnā daudzveidīgā cilvēku grupa, kas izbēga no mēra, cenšas glābt savas dzīvības, dodoties patvērumā tirdzniecības centrā, kur viņiem jāiemācās ne tikai pasargāt sevi no zombiju bariem, bet arī dzīvot kopā.



Down 2019



Laika glabātājs

Laika glabātājs 2011


Hugo ir bārenis, kas dzīvo Parīzes vilcienu stacijā. Vienīgā lieta, kas viņam ir saglabājusies kā saikne ar nu jau mirušo tēvu, ir mehānisks vīriņš, kura darbināšanai nepieciešama īpaša atslēga. Hugo jāatrod šī atslēga. Viņš satiek veikalnieku un viņa krustmeitu, un uzzina, ka visus vieno kāda saikne ar tēvu. Hugo izdodas atslēgt savu atmiņu dziļākos nostūrus, kas liek viņam vairākkārt nožēlot pagātni.



P2 2007



Belko eksperiments

Belko eksperiments 2016


Kādas ASV valsts iestādes, kas atrodas Kolumbijā, Bogotā, darbinieku darba diena izvēršas īstā murgā – viņi pēkšņi ir ieslodzīti savā darba vietā un iesaistīti nežēlīgā spēlē. Balss caur mikrofonu uzdod noteiktā laikā nogalināt savus kolēģus pretējā gadījumā sekas būs bēdīgas. Darbinieku domas par to, vai sekot pavēlēm vai nē, dalās, taču drīz vien kļūst skaidrs, ka notiekošais nav nekāds joks, un cilvēki mirs…



Kontrabanda 2012


Kriss Faradejs ir izbijis kontrabandists, kurš kādreiz nodarbojās ar preču nelikumīgu ievešanu valstī. Viņš pameta šo nodarbi pēc tam, kad apprecējās. Bet tad Krisa svainis iesaistījās darījumā ar narkodīleri Brigsu. Darījums izgāžas un Brigss pieprasa svaini atlīdzināt zaudējumus, taču viņš nav spējīgs to izdarīt. Tāpēc, lai segtu Endija parādu, Kriss ir spiests atsākt nodarboties ar kontrabandu, jo tas viņam padodas vislabāk. Krisa kontrabandista gaitas ir leģendām apvītas, tāpēc ar labākā drauga Sebastiana palīdzību viņam ātri izdodas savākt komandu, un viņi dodas uz Panamu cerībā atgriezties ar miljoniem viltotu banknošu.


Īstais laiks

Īstais laiks 2017


Divi brāļi nesekmīgi mēģina aplaupīt banku, policija ir viņiem uz pēdām. Konijam izdodas aizbēgt, bet Nikam nelaimējas. Konijs dara visu, lai brāli izpestītu no cietuma. Viņam jāmetas briesmu, vardarbības un izmisuma virpulī, lai glābtu brāli un sevi.



Exam 2009



Where Stars Land

Where Stars Land 2018


This series follows people who work diligently at Incheon International Airport. Lee Soo Yeon graduated from prestigious KAIST. He begins work at Incheon International Airport and gives himself a goal of six months to get used to working there. Lee Soo-Yeon is a mysterious man who keeps people at a distance. There, he meets Han Yeo Reum. She is a new employee in the passenger service team. She wants to be a perfectionist, but her reality is a little different. She makes a lot of mistakes.



V-Focus 2016


Chiang Chih-heng, a former mercenary now known as “The Bodyguard,” is the owner of Krisis, a security consultancy company that protects public figures who are chased by the paparazzi. Ting Ruo-chin is nicknamed the “Variety Queen” for her dogged ability to chase down celebrity gossip exclusives as a tabloid journalist for “V-Focus.” On their way to a news event, they become stranded on a desert island together. There they'll need to work together to survive and to make all the efforts to escape.


The Lion's Secret

The Lion's Secret 2021


The evolving relationship between Mu Wanqing, a successful CEO, and Liu Qing, a former soldier, who marry first and fall in love later. Initially strangers, their bond deepens as they face challenges together, including family expectations that lead them on a journey to Thailand.


Campus Cops

Campus Cops 1996


Campus Cops is an American sitcom, about two campus policeman who worked at Canfield University, that aired on the USA network in 1996.



Ghosted 2017


A skeptic is forced to work with a firm believer of the paranormal on unexplained occurrences in Los Angeles.


Security Police

Security Police 2007


SP, also known as Security Police is a Japanese television drama based on the real life security police unit of Japan which is responsible for protecting domestic and foreign VIPs. The series script was written by famed GO author Kazuki Kaneshiro and marks his first time writing for a television drama. The drama centers on a newly recruited SP officer named Kaoru Inoue, who is the only SP officer known in the force to have sharp senses that enables him to conduct his duties by using this ESP sense to take down the threat before it appears to threaten the VIP and the civilians who are caught in the middle. The franchise consists of the TV series, two film adaptations of the series released in 2010 and 2011 with an ongoing manga adaptation.



Nightingales 1990


Nightingales is a British situation comedy set around the antics of three security guards working the night shift. It was written by Paul Makin and produced by Alomo Productions for Channel 4 in 1990.


Dangerous Curves

Dangerous Curves 1992


Dangerous Curves is a crime series. It centers on Lise Cutter and Michael Michele, two female security guards working for a private security agency, Personal Touch, in Dallas.


Safety First

Safety First 2013


"Safety First" is a hilarious work place mockumentary set at the heart of a security company. Discipline, dedication and friendship, that's what work is about. Oh, and falling over, making a mess, accidentally making a total fool of yourself and then picking yourself up to get back in the game.


Minuit, le soir

Minuit, le soir 2005


Marc, Louis and Gaétan work as doormen in a fictional nightclub called The Manhattan. The new owner wants to give the bar an upscale makeover and the three friends are stuck having to deal with this hip new work environment, with riveting consequences.