Brīnišķais prāts

Brīnišķais prāts 2001


1947. gads. Džons Nešs ierodas Prinstonā. Viņš ir matemātikas ģēnijs. Šis cilvēks ir izstrādājis "spēļu teoriju" matemātikā, par ko savā laikā ieguva Nobela prēmiju. Valdība palūdz Džonam palīdzēt atkodēt krievu šifrus, līdz ar ko viņš tiek iesaistīts šausminošā sazvērestībā. Taču tas ko neviens nezināja - viņš ir smagi slims. Viņam ir šizofrēnija. Drīz viņš sastopas ar līdz šim nepazīstamām sajūtām - ar mīlestību. Šīs jūtas viņa dzīvē ienes Alīsija. Uzzinot, ka Džonam ir šizofrēnija, viņa ir satriekta, taču Alīsija nepadodas, liekot pretī briesmīgajai slimībai savu mīlestību. Tagad tikai ar Alīsijas palīdzību Džons spēs atgūt savu garīgo spēku un atgūt izcilā matemātiķa statusu, kādu viņu pazina līdz šim.


Solījums rītausmā

Solījums rītausmā 2017


No bērnības Polijā, līdz pusaudža gadiem Nīcā, studenta gadiem Parīzē un skarbajām pilota apmācībām Otrā pasaules kara laikā. Šī traģikomēdijas ir romantisks stāsts par Romēns Garī, vienu no slavenākajiem franču rakstniekiem un vienīgo rakstnieku, kuras divas reizes ieguvis prestižo franču literatūras Gonkūru prēmiju.


Viņa dodas uz priekšu

Viņa dodas uz priekšu 2017


Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīta biogrāfiska drāma par portretu gleznotāju, atraitni no Ņujorkas Ketrīnu Veldonu, kura šķērso vairākus štatus, lai dotos uz Dakotu. Tur Ketrīna satiek savas dzīves svarīgāko cilvēku – indiāni vārdā “Sēdošais bullis” (“The Sitting Bull”). Drīz viņa tiek ierauta vietējo indiāņu cīņās par savu zemi. Indiāņiem pretī stājas armijas virsnieks, kurš vēlas okupēt indiāņu teritorijas.


The Queen of Villains

The Queen of Villains 2024


During the heyday of women's pro wrestling in bubble-era Japan, Dump Matsumoto bursts into the ring, shattering norms and turning the nation against her.


The Beatles: Get Back

The Beatles: Get Back 2021


The three-part documentary series, compiled from over 60 hours of unseen footage, captures the warmth, camaraderie, and creative genius that defined the legacy of music's most iconic foursome. The series also includes – for the first time in its entirety – The Beatles' final performance at London's Savile Row.


Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius

Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius 2023


Love, conflict, family - nobody's done it better. Acting legends reflect on the greatest writer who ever lived – and the dangerous, exciting world that ignited his creativity.


Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion

Breaking the Bank: One Trader, 50 Billion 2024


Jérôme Kerviel – the trader who hid €50 billion in trades at a major international bank – and his former superiors reveal all sides of the scandal.



Cilla 2014


Three-part biopic of the Liverpudlian songbird who would later find fame and fortune. It tells of her rocky road to fame and captures the essence of 1960s Liverpool.


Being Serena

Being Serena 2018


The chronicles of tennis icon Serena Williams at a pivotal moment in her personal and professional life


Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons

Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons 2022


Truth is not what it seems; as the underworld of fashion, the billionaire class, and Jeffrey Epstein are revealed to all be inextricably intertwined with the rise and fall of this legendary brand.



Doce 2021


Series about one of the most iconic Portuguese bands, DOCE. Doce were one of the first "girls band" in Europe, opening the way not only in the musical world, but also breaking barriers and prejudices in traditional Portuguese society. The series is based on real events, following the band's entire journey from its appearance in 1979, until the end of the initial formation. Doce has outlasted all critics and left its mark on a generation and a country.



Prost 2024


The career of Alain Prost, four-time Formula 1 world champion, four-time runner-up and winner of 51 races, undoubtedly the greatest and best French racing driver in F1 history.



Brock 2016


Brock is a dramatisation that follows the life of Australian motor racing legend, Peter Brock. From his early racing days to his tragic death in Perth, TEN's new drama traces the soaring highs and brutal lows of one of the country’s most beloved sportsmen.



Wout 2020


A unique look behind the scenes into the life of cyclist Wout van Aert. A documentary series that highlights both his successful cycling career and his personal life.