Atslēgvārds Prosecution
Citplanētietis 1982
Rembo 1982
Rembo ir izbijušais ASV īpašo spēku kareivis, Vjetnamas kara veterāns, kurš iekuļas nepatikšanās, kādā mazpilsētā apciemojot draugu. Vietējais šerifs mēģina izraidīt Rembo no pilsētas un par nepakļaušanos apcietina viņu. Nespējot paciest šerifa necienīgo attieksmi un ņirgāšanos, Rembo liek lietā savas prasmes, izbēg no apcietinājumā, dodas mežā un viens pats piesaka karu saviem pāridarītājiem.
Mākslīgais intelekts 2001
Borna ultimāts 2007
Džeisons Borns vēlējās tikai vienu - nozust. Tā vietā tagad viņu vajā cilvēki, kas viņu padarījuši par to, kas viņš ir. Lai atrastu savu vietu nākotnē, viņam jānoskaidro sava pagātne. Meklējot sevi - Džeisonu Bornu, viņš dosies uz Maskavu, Parīzi, Madridi, Londonu, Maroku un Ņujorku, vienlaikus cenšoties apsteigt savus vajātājus - policistus, federālos aģentus, Interpola darbiniekus, kuri par katru cenu mēģina viņu apturēt.
Babylon A.D. 2008
Cobra 1986
WarGames 1983
Fracture 2007
Zwartboek 2006
Rabbit-Proof Fence 2002
Defending Your Life 1991
Dead Man 1995
The Majestic 2001
Les Misérables 1958
Crime Crackdown 2021
As a frontline police officer, Li Chengyang faced oppression from all sides, framed by evil forces, and even his boss, the chief of public security, in order to prevent him from investigating.
The Defence 2018
Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.
The Whole Truth 2010
As District Attorney Kathryn Peale and defense attorney Jimmy Nolan rally their teams around their arguments and prepare to go head-to-head in the the courtroom, they make frantic moves and countermoves of complex legal wrangling to tilt justice in their favor.
Les Misérables 1972
An ex-convict who wants to make an honest life for himself is pursued by the implacable hatred of a policeman.
Sex & Murder 2020
Sex and murder are often tied together in criminal investigations; and detectives uncover dirty secrets, scandalous sex affairs, online sex addictions, jealousy and stunning twisted fantasies when looking for motives for murder.