Zaļā robeža

Zaļā robeža 2023


Pēc pārcelšanās uz Polijas pierobežu psiholoģe Jūlija kļūst par nevilšu liecinieci un dalībnieci dramatiskajos notikumos pie Polijas-Baltkrievijas robežas. Apzinoties risku un juridiskās sekas, viņa iesaistās aktīvistu grupā, kas palīdz bēgļiem apkārtējos mežos. Sīriešu ģimene, kas bēg no pilsoņkara, nenojauš, ka viņi ir tikai līdzekļi baltkrievu varas iestāžu rokās, un izmisīgi mēģina šķērsot Eiropas Savienības robežu. Polijā liktenis viņus saved kopā ar Jūliju un jaunu robežsargu Janu. Notikumi, kas risinās viņiem apkārt, visiem liek no jauna uzdot sev jautājumu par to, kas ir cilvēcīgums.


Orphans of a Nation

Orphans of a Nation 2019


Laila is a Syrian victim of a bombing who agrees to marry a powerful sheikh in exchange for money to save her little brother's life. However, plans change due to the tragic death of the child. Laila and her family flee to start a new life in distant lands. Abandoned and enraged, the sheikh sends Jamil, his right-hand man, in search of the bride, but could not imagine he would fail to obey his command and fall madly in love with her. This forbidden love will be tested when the sheikh's daughter decides to take revenge after her father's mysterious death. From Emmy winners Thelma Guedes and Duca Rachid, ‘Orphans of a Nation’ tells a beautiful love story in the current context of refugees from around the world.



Transatlantic 2023


Two Americans and their allies form a scrappy rescue operation in 1940 Marseilles to help artists, writers and other refugees fleeing Europe during WWII. Transatlantic is a historical drama television miniseries created by Anna Winger and Daniel Hendler, based on the 2019 novel The Flight Portfolio by Julie Orringer. The novel explores the historic Emergency Rescue Committee that operated in Marseilles, Spain, and Portugal in 1940 after the fall of France. The series includes or refers to well-known artists or scholars of the time who were saved by the Committee or interacted with it. The series closed the 2023 Series Mania festival in March, ahead of its Netflix premiere on 7 April 2023.


The Way

The Way 2024


Strikes in Port Talbot spark a revolution – and a family of fugitives go on the run. Facing impossible choices, what would you do?