Atslēgvārds Shooting
High Plains Drifter 1973
Rob Peace 2024
The Passenger 2023
Ar ieročiem rokās 2020
Mailzs – pieaudzis vīrietis, kuram bērnībā bija daudz sapņu. Taču šie sapņi neīstenojās, tāpēc viņš vada savas dienas, izniekojot laiku pie datora un kaitinot tīmekļa troļļus ar dzēlīgiem komentāriem. Kādu dienu Mailzs uzzina par tīmekļa sensāciju "Skizm", kas iesaista cilvēkus spēlē uz dzīvību un nāvi. Mailzs sāk kaitināt spēles skatītājus un nejauši piesaista "Skizm" administratoru uzmanību. Tā rezultātā tie ielaužas Mailza mājā, nolaupa viņu un piestiprina pie viņa rokām divas pistoles, sagatavojot viņu spēlei. "Skizm" dod Mailzam uzdevumu – nogalināt Niksu. Citādi viņš un viņa tuvinieki mirs. Taču Niksa, viena no nežēlīgākajām "Skizm" spēlētājām, negrasās tā vienkārši padoties. Un sākas asiņaina, spraiga un stilīga spēle par izdzīvošanu. Jautājums – kurš izdzīvos?
Elephant 2003
Killing Gunther 2017
Skin 2019
Sara 1997
ذئاب لا تاكل اللحم 1973
The Sadist 1963
Yield to the Night 1956
Small Sacrifices 1989
Dood van een Schaduw 2012
Condemned 2023
The Bigfoot Trap 2023
Beast Beast 2021
Intensidad 2001
The Son Rises 1970
Sintonia 2019
Told through three different characters' perspectives, the story of Sintonia explores the interconnection of the music, drug traffic, and religion in São Paulo. In the quest to be somebody, many paths will converge.
Tribes of Europa 2021
2074. In the wake of a mysterious global disaster, war rages between the Tribes that have emerged from the wreckage of Europe. Three siblings from the peaceful Origine tribe are separated and forced to forge their own paths in an action-packed fight for the future of this new Europa.
Two Weeks to Live 2020
When strange young misfit Kim Noakes was just a little girl, her father died in murky circumstances and her mother Tina whisked her away to a remote rural life of seclusion and bizarre survival techniques. Now all grown up, Kim sets out into the real world for the first time to begin a secret mission of honouring her father’s memory.
911 Crisis Center 2021
An up-close and personal look at a team of 911 dispatchers at a call center just outside of Cleveland where they take on a never-ending bombardment of panic-stricken callers and save lives.
After 2021
Following an unforeseeable tragedy, the inhabitants of the small community of Lac Sabin have to learn to survive, cope, and rebuild their lives.
Agochora 2023
The series is an adaptation of Mohammad Nazim Uddin best-selling eponymous novel. The story is about a sport-shooter who is forced into a life of crime and uses his shooting skills to assassinate.