Zūlanders 2 2016
Dereks un Ansītis jau atkal tiek ievilināti modelēšanā, šoreiz Romā, kur viņi kļūst par ļaunas sazvērestības mērķi.
Dereks un Ansītis jau atkal tiek ievilināti modelēšanā, šoreiz Romā, kur viņi kļūst par ļaunas sazvērestības mērķi.
Triloģijas trešā filma ir nosaukta Francijas karoga krāsā un ir veltīta brālībai no franču devīzes "Brīvība, vienlīdzība, brālība". Studente un modele Valentīna kādu vakaru notriec suni un sastop tā saimnieku, pensionētu tiesnesi, kurš nelikumīgi noklausās kaimiņu telefonsarunas. Starp viņiem izveidojas neparasta draudzība. Vēlāk, dodoties uz Angliju, Valentīnas ceļi krustojas ar tiesneša izspiegoto pāri – Ogistu un Karīnu. Taču ne visiem izdodas šķērsot Lamanšu...
Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition.
Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) is a reality television show based on the American franchise America's Next Top Model in which a number of aspiring models compete for the title of Asia's Next Top Model and a chance to start their career in the modeling industry. The show features models from the entire Far East region (East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia).
Victoria, Isabella, Sara, and Julieta are four friends, young, beautiful, free and totally uninhibited. Among other things, they share a taste for partying, dancing and sex. Their work as models brings them together, and so does their desire for a good time. After Vicky arrives from Argentina, the four girls agree that there will be only one rule during their time together: absolutely anything goes. Over the course of ten episodes, we'll accompany them as they delight in sex without limits or prejudice. We'll witness casual as well as virtual encounters, in pairs, threesomes and all alone. These women are always willing to explore new possibilities, finding their pleasure in bars, discos, indoors, outdoors or in the car, because anywhere at all is the right place for sex and a wild good time. Welcome to the world of Roommates.