Starp zvaigznēm

Starp zvaigznēm 2014


Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.


Atriebēji: Noslēgums

Atriebēji: Noslēgums 2019


Atriebēju komandas izdzīvojušajiem un viņu sabiedrotajiem ir jāizstrādā jauns plāns, kurš palīdzētu stāties pretī Tanosa postošajai darbībai. Pēc pēdējās kaujas, kura bija pati masveidīgākā un traģiskākā visā Atriebēju cīņu vēsturē, katra pieļautā kļūda var kļūt liktenīga ne tikai Zemei, bet arī Visumam.


Ātrs un bez žēlastības: Hobss un Šovs

Ātrs un bez žēlastības: Hobss un Šovs 2019


5 miljardi dolāru - tie ir kopējie astoņu Fast & Furious franšīzes filmu kases ieņēmumi visa pasaulē, un ir pienācis laiks laist klajā jaunu stāstu – grāvēju "Fast&Furious presents: Hobbs&Shaw", kurā aktieri Dveins Džonsons un Džeisons Steitems no jauna iejutīsies skatītāju iemīļoto varoņu Hobsa un Šova lomās. Kad Hobss un Šovs pirmo reizi uz lielā ekrāna satikās filmā "Furious 7", viņi apmainījās ar daiļrunīgiem tekstiem un lika lietā dūru diplomātiju, cenšoties nolikt viens otru pie vietas. Taču, kad kiberģenētiski uzlabotais Brikstons savā īpašumā iegūst bioloģisku ieroci, kas var iznīcināt visu cilvēci un veikli apved ap stūri izcilo un bezbailīgo MI6 aģenti, kura izrādās arī Dekarda Šova māsa, senajiem ienaidniekiem nāksies sadarboties, lai tiktu galā ar, iespējams, vienīgo džeku visā pasaulē, kurš ir vēl negantāks par viņiem abiem kopā.


Rītdienas karš

Rītdienas karš 2021


Kriss Prats (Galaktikas sargi) zinātniskās fantastikas trillerī par tēvu, kurš spiests iesaistīties nākotnes karā, kurā cilvēces liktenis ir atkarīgs no viņa spējas stāties pretī pagātnei.


Nolaupītā 3

Nolaupītā 3 2014


Liams Nīsons atgriežas kā bijušais slepenais aģents Braiens Milzs, kura izlīgums ar bijušo sievu traģiski apraujas, kad sievieti brutāli nogalina. Dusmu pārņemtais un par nepatiesu noziegumu apsūdzētais Braiens bēg no CIP, FIB un policijas, kas min viņam uz papēžiem. Vēl vienu reizi Milzam ir jāizmanto savas "īpašās prasmes", lai atrastu īstos slepkavas, atriebtos viņiem un pasargātu savu vienīgo dārgumu - savu meitu.


Dungeons & Dragons: Gods zagļu vidū

Dungeons & Dragons: Gods zagļu vidū 2023


Kāds šarmants zaglis un bariņš piedzīvojumu meklētāju uzsāk episkus meklējumus, lai atgūtu sen pazaudētu relikviju. Kad viņi sastapsies aci pret aci ar nepareizajiem cilvēkiem, piedzīvojumi turpināsies jaunā līmenī!


Mazā nāriņa

Mazā nāriņa 1989


Ariela, dzīvespriecīga un nebēdnīga nāriņa, ir devusies mūža lielākajā ceļojumā kopā ar savu labāko draugu, mīļo Flaunderu, un regeju dziedošo Karību krabi Sebastianu pie sāniem. Taču būs vajadzīga visa viņas drosme un gribasspēks, lai piepildītu sapņus un glābtu mīļo tēva karaļvalsti no nekrietnās jūras raganas Urzulas! Pievienojieties Arielai un Sebastjanam aizraujošā virtuālajā ceļojumu spēlē, kas jūs aizvedīs zemūdens pasakā un sagādās daudz citu prieku!


Māksla sacensties lietū

Māksla sacensties lietū 2019


Bez cīņas spara tādi vīri, kā Formula 1 pilots Denijs, nekad nesasniegtu savus uzvaras mirkļus, taču, ja kaut kas noiet greizi, talkā nāk cilvēka labākais draugs – suns. Filma ir stāsts par Denija dzīvi un karjeru no viņa zeltainā retrīvera Enzo skatpunkta.



Trap 2024




Valis 2022


Režisora Darena Aronovska (Melnais Gulbis, Cīkstonis, Māt!) drāma par slimīgi aptaukojušos angļu valodas skolotāju, kurš cenšas atjaunot sarautās saites ar savu meitu.


65: Iznīcības robeža

65: Iznīcības robeža 2023


Pēc katastrofālas avārijas uz nezināmas planētas, pilots Milss ātri vien aptver, ka viņam un otrai dzīvi palikušajai pasažierei Koai ir tikai vienīga iespēja izglābties – viņiem jātiek pāri nezināmajam apvidum, kuru pārņēmuši bīstami radījumi un jāliek lietā visi spēki, lai izdzīvotu. Mazāk


Sātana izdzinējs: Ticība

Sātana izdzinējs: Ticība 2023


Pēc sievas nāves Viktors audzina meitu Andželu viens pats. Kad Andžela un viņas draudzene Ketrīna pazūd mežā un atgriežas trīs dienas vēlāk, neatceroties to, kas ar viņām noticis, tas atraisa notikumu virkni, kas piespiedīs Viktoru stāties aci pret aci pretī ļaunumam.


Viesnīca Transilvānija

Viesnīca Transilvānija 2012


Drakula, kurš vada augstas klases viesnīcu tālu prom no cilvēku acīm, kļūst aizdomīgs, kad kāds zēns nejauši uzrodas viņa īpašumā un iemīlas grāfa pusaudžu meitā.


Kapeņu izlaupītāja Lara Krofta

Kapeņu izlaupītāja Lara Krofta 2018


Lara Krofta ir jauna sieviete ar nepakļāvīgu raksturu, kuras tēvs, ekscentrisks piedzīvojumu meklētājs, pirms septiņiem gadiem pazuda bez pēdām. Lai gan Lara ar grūtībām spēj savilkt kopā galus, viņa atsakās pārņemt tēva biznesa impēriju un tikpat spītīgi atsakās pieņemt domu, ka viņas tēvs varētu būt miris. Cerībā atrast kādu pavedienu, Lara dodas briesmu pilnā ceļojumā uz kādu nomaļu salu, kur viņas tēvs manīts pēdējo reizi. Viņas vienīgie ieroči ir asais prāts, aklā ticība un stūrgalvība.



Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.


Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger

Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger 2003


The meteorite believed to have once killed off the dinosaurs actually rattled the Earth into two parallel universes — Another Earth and Dino Earth, where dinosaurs continued to thrive. Now they have evolved into the Saurians, a race of humanoid dinosaurs, and the Bakuryu , a race of mechanized dinosaurs. But the wall between our universes has been breached. The Evolians that have been at war with the Saurians and Bakuryu have invaded, and it's up to the Abarangers to protect the world!


Apple of My Eye

Apple of My Eye 2023


A work about the delightful and heartbreaking story of a family growing up while raising a child, centering on a single dad Geum Kang San and adopted child Ok Mi Rae who is the apple of his eye.


The Rich Son

The Rich Son 2018


Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.


Enemies from the Past

Enemies from the Past 2017


Go Ya supports her family by doing part-time work. Her father had an affair and left home 10 years ago. She is now looking for a regular full-time job. Ji Seok is a lawyer who specializes in divorces. He is skeptical about marriage, but after he meets Go Ya and gets close to her, they face a difficult situation.


Potol Kumar Gaanwala

Potol Kumar Gaanwala 2015


Potol, a singing prodigy, lives in a village with her mother, uncle and aunt. However, after her mother's death, she sets out to search for her father, whose identity she does not know.



Bosch 2015


Based on Michael Connelly's best-selling novels, these are the stories of relentless LAPD homicide Detective Harry Bosch who pursues justice at all costs. But behind his tireless momentum is a man who is haunted by his past and struggles to remain loyal to his personal code: “Everybody counts or nobody counts.”


Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 2017


Born with supernatural strength, Bong-soon fights evil and procures justice while getting tangled in a love triangle with her CEO boss and cop crush.


Arthdal Chronicles

Arthdal Chronicles 2019


In a mythical land called Arth, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Arthdal and its surrounding regions vie for power as they build a new society.


What Happens to My Family?

What Happens to My Family? 2014


Every family has its issues but what happens when the patriarch in the family is not happy with the behaviors of his children? Cha Bong Soon does not intend to just sit back and take bad treatment from his three adult children – Cha Kang Shim, Cha Kang Jae and Cha Dal Bong – and decides to take legal action against them. With such chaos going on in her family, Kang Shim has a tough time focusing on her job as secretary to the president of Daeoh Company and constantly at odds with the president's son, Moon Tae Joo, the company director. Will Tae Joo get sucked into the Cha family drama as well?


Two Fathers

Two Fathers 2013


Seven years ago, two men were notified that the women they both dated had disappeared after giving birth to a baby girl. Not knowing who the father was, the two bachelors decided to raise the baby together. Tang Xiang Xi, the smooth-talking lawyer, and Wen Zhen Hua, the sensitive florist, and the young Tang Wen Di make up a non-traditional family. Their unique living arrangement attracts the attention of the girl's pigheaded teacher and their reclusive next door neighbor.


Full House

Full House 1987


After the death of his wife, Danny enlists his best friend and his brother-in-law to help raise his three daughters, D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.


Marry Me Now

Marry Me Now 2018


Park Yoo-Ha studied hard in medical school and finished her intern course. She works hard to become a doctor due to her father. Her father raised 4 children by himself and her oldest sister also sacrificed for the family. Park Yoo-Ha is not interested in other people. Suddenly, her father marries a woman rich enough to own a building. Meanwhile, Jung Eun-Tae works as a doctor. He volunteered for performing medical service abroad, but he comes back to Korea. Jung Eun-Tae is not interested in marriage, because his father placed priority on his medical work over family and Jung Eun-Tae believes he is like his father.


Papi Ricky

Papi Ricky 2007


The relationship between Ricky and his daughter will suffer when the girl's mother returns and wants her back.


Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day 2024


A bittersweet romantic comedy about a job seeker who suddenly gets stuck in time as an old-ager one day, and an extraordinary internship with a prosecutor who is caught up in her all day and night.


Daddy's Lunch Box

Daddy's Lunch Box 2023


A single father who has no cooking experience and can't even make a fried egg satisfactorily... A bento box made for his daughter for three years in high school, and a unique handwritten letter. A classic home comedy drama based on a true story of a father and daughter that will make you laugh and cry over and over again, with a total of 700 lunch boxes and menu items.


The Oath of Love

The Oath of Love 2022


Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.


Prisoners of War

Prisoners of War 2010


After 17 years in captivity, Israeli soldiers Nimrode Klein, Uri Zach, and Amiel Ben Horin return home to the country that made them national icons. They work to overcome the trauma of torture and captivity while settling back into their interrupted family lives. Meanwhile, the military psychiatrist assigned to them finds discrepancies in the soldiers' testimonies, and launches an investigation to discover what they are hiding.


Welcome 2 Life

Welcome 2 Life 2019


Lee Jae-Sang is a lawyer at JK Law Firm, which is one of the biggest law firms in South Korea. He is an excellent lawyer, but he only cares about winning for his benefit. One day, he has a mysterious car accident and he is drawn into a parallel world. There, Lee Jae-Sang finds himself working as a prosecutor. He is strict in carrying out the law. He is married to Ra Shi-On, who loves Lee Jae-Sang and is faithful to him. In the world where Lee Jae-Sang came from, he broke up with Ra Shi-On ten years earlier and Ra Shi-On works as a detective. Lee Jae-Sang struggles to cope with his different selves.