Montijs Paitons un Braiena dzīve

Montijs Paitons un Braiena dzīve 1979


Braiens pamazām sāk ienīst romiešu iekarotājus. Viņam iepatīkas dumpīgā ebrejiete Judīte, tāpēc viņš pievienojas “Jūdejas Tautas frontei” jeb JTF. Tā liek Braienam uzrakstīt dumpīgu saukli uz Romas prefekta Pilāta pils mūra, taču viņu pieķer kāds romiešu leģionārs. Neiedziļinājies saukļa saturā, bet sašutis par Braiena šausmīgo gramatiku, viņš liek Braienam pareizi uzrakstīt saukli simts reizes. Pamazām Braiens iekuļas arvien lielākās nepatikšanās, līdz galu galā viņam tiek piespriesta piesišana pie krusta. Filma vairākās aptaujās ir ieguvusi atzinību kā viena no smieklīgākajām komēdijām, lai gan daudzās valstīs tā ilgu laiku bijusi arī aizliegta, piemēram, Itālijā pat vairākas desmitgades reliģisku iemeslu dēļ.


Montijs Paitons un Svētais Grāls

Montijs Paitons un Svētais Grāls 1975


Filmas scenārija pamatā ir leģenda par karali Arturu un viņa Apaļā galda bruņiniekiem. Karalim Arturam ir pils Kamelota, bet nav zirga. Tad nu viņš, cerot, ka neviens nepamanīs starpību, tēlo, ka jāj, un pāri šķēršļiem lec ne sliktāk kā zirgs, bet iespaidīgā pakavu klaboņa rodas no divu kokosriekstu čaulu klabināšanas. Pa ceļam viņš savāc vēl vairākus bruņiniekus, un, Dieva mudināti, visi dodas meklēt Svēto Grālu, metoties iekšā piedzīvojumos, kas attēloti komiskās etīdēs. Piemēram, cenšoties ieņemt franču bruņinieka pili, viņi nonāk apšaudē, kur katapultē govis.


Horrible Histories

Horrible Histories 2009


Based on the best-selling children's books and liberally splattered with guts, blood and poo, a group of British comedians offer an anarchic and unconventional take on some of history's most gruesome and funny moments, with topics including the Stone Age, the Middle Ages, the Egyptians and the Romans, among others.


Harry Hill's TV Burp

Harry Hill's TV Burp 2002


The big-collared comic gives his own spin on TV clips from recent programmes, plus contributions from a set of regular characters



Bottom 1991


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.


The Young Ones

The Young Ones 1982


The misadventures of four lunatic students who live in a shared student house. There's Rik, the overblown political one addicted to Cliff Richard, Vyvian the experimental scientific one/part-time anarchist, Neil the worried hippy, and Mike the ladies' man (at least he is in his mind).


Time Gentlemen Please

Time Gentlemen Please 2000


The Pub Landlord’s rules are a pint for the fella and a glass of white wine or fruit based drink for the lady. It might be the 21st century but the landlord’s gaff is the last bastion of all things normal. He ain’t interested in change. It’s just the way things are, and don’t you or anybody else go questioning it.


The Goodies

The Goodies 1970


A British television comedy series of the 1970s and early 1980s, combining surreal sketches and situation comedy.


Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars 1993


Shooting Stars is a British television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two as a pilot in 1993, then as 3 full series from 1995 to 1997, then on BBC Choice from January to December 2002 with 2 series before returning to BBC Two for another 3 series from 2008 until its cancellation in 2011. Created and hosted by double-act Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, it uses the panel show format but with the comedians' often slapstick, surreal and anarchic humour does not rely on rules in order to function, with the pair apparently ignoring existing rules or inventing new ones as and when the mood takes them.