
Meklēšana 2018


Kad pazūd viņa 16 gadus vecā meita, Deivids Kims (Džons Čo) pirmoreiz dzīvē iedziļinās meitas sociālo tīklu pasaulē, kura atklāj daudz vairāk, nekā sākotnēji šķita... Filma uzdod tiešus un neērtus jautājums, kas attiecināmu uz ikvienu, - cik daudz no sevis mēs mūsdienās uzticam sociālajiem tīkliem? Ko tie par mums stāsta, un kā ar mums ir iespējams manipulēt?


Ar ieročiem rokās

Ar ieročiem rokās 2020


Mailzs – pieaudzis vīrietis, kuram bērnībā bija daudz sapņu. Taču šie sapņi neīstenojās, tāpēc viņš vada savas dienas, izniekojot laiku pie datora un kaitinot tīmekļa troļļus ar dzēlīgiem komentāriem. Kādu dienu Mailzs uzzina par tīmekļa sensāciju "Skizm", kas iesaista cilvēkus spēlē uz dzīvību un nāvi. Mailzs sāk kaitināt spēles skatītājus un nejauši piesaista "Skizm" administratoru uzmanību. Tā rezultātā tie ielaužas Mailza mājā, nolaupa viņu un piestiprina pie viņa rokām divas pistoles, sagatavojot viņu spēlei. "Skizm" dod Mailzam uzdevumu – nogalināt Niksu. Citādi viņš un viņa tuvinieki mirs. Taču Niksa, viena no nežēlīgākajām "Skizm" spēlētājām, negrasās tā vienkārši padoties. Un sākas asiņaina, spraiga un stilīga spēle par izdzīvošanu. Jautājums – kurš izdzīvos?


Critical Role

Critical Role 2015


Critical Role is a weekly livestreamed show that uses roleplaying game mechanics as a means to explore and develop stories from the vast fantasy world of Exandria, with sweeping narratives intricately woven through collaboration between Game Master Matthew Mercer and his fellow cast of veteran voice actors, including Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey, and Liam O’Brien.


Let's Go Crazy on LIVE

Let's Go Crazy on LIVE 2019


Everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. You Yuan Le wants to be the one to uncover the special side of Lin An An and turn her from an ordinary convenience store clerk to the most popular live streaming personality on his platform.


VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral After Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream

VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral After Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream 2024


Yuki Tanaka is a VTuber at Live-On, one of Japan’s largest VTuber companies, as the polite and ladylike Awayuki Kokorone. One day, she forgets to end the stream, and viewers see her real personality—irreverent, improper, and prone to imbibing after a long day. Yuki is surprised to find that her accident caused her rankings to multiply, so she doubles down and gets to work. She’ll be a star yet!


The Cry of Mann: A Trool Day Holiday Spectacular in Eight Parts

The Cry of Mann: A Trool Day Holiday Spectacular in Eight Parts 2017


The story of a family whose patriarch, industrialist Tank Mann, has gone missing; meanwhile, due to the machinations of the stepmother, Courtney, the company is on the verge of a hostile takeover. Viewers could call in and talk to the characters thanks to the many orange phones that the "Ghost Lady" sets up around the house.


Dead Talk Live

Dead Talk Live 2020


Film/TV Entertainment TV Talk Show Featuring Celebrity Guest Interviews.


Good Game

Good Game 2017


A new team of eSports players try to make it to the top in the cutthroat world of competitive gaming.



#Hashtag 2018


Kanami, an office worker, and a cram school teacher were planning to go on a trip to Taiwan together, but due to influenza at their workplace, there were not enough teachers and the trip was canceled. Kanami travels to Taiwan alone. Then she meets Woo Shun in a taxi. After that, when her passport was stolen, she meet Woo Shun again and stays at his guest house.



Maadness 2020


While everyone is sitting at home, the Moscow director and several famous artists have to rehearse the new performance remotely. However, not everything goes according to plan, because relationships, sex and parents are now also online. And the play itself adds insanity, because the main role - a real sheep.