Nogalināt Bilu

Nogalināt Bilu 2003


Uma Tūrmane ir slepkava, kurai viņas kāzu dienā uzbrūk viņas priekšnieka bandas Bils (Deivids Karradīns) locekļi. Viņai izdodas izdzīvot uzbrukumā, kaut arī viņa joprojām atrodas komā. Pēc pieciem gadiem viņa pamostas ar metāla gabalu uz galvas un sirdī lielu atriebības vēlmi.



Monstrs 2023


Kad Saori dēls, piektās klases skolnieks Minato sāk uzvesties dīvaini – nogriež savus matus un pārnāk mājās tikai ar vienu kurpi –, māte saprot, ka noticis kaut kas nelāgs. Saori atklāj, ka vainīgs dēla skolotājs Hori kungs, un viņa dodas uz skolu, lai noskaidrotu, kas atgadījies. Taču direktore un pārējie skolotāji viņas raizes neuztver nopietni. Turklāt Hori vēl pastāsta, ka Minato terorizē savu klasesbiedru Jori. Apskatot notikušo no trīs cilvēku – Saori, skolotāja un Minato – perspektīvas, pamazām atklājas patiesība.



JFK 1991



Kāršu skaitītājs

Kāršu skaitītājs 2021


Pokerā galvenais ir saglabāt aukstasinību un spēja paredzēt pāris gājienus uz priekšu. Tieši šīs prasmes Viljams ir attīstījis līdz pilnībai. Pārliecinoši tuvojoties iespējai piedalīties Pasaules pokera sērijā un lielam naudas laimestam, viņš saprot, ka šī ir iespēja atstāt aiz muguras pagātnes noslēpumus. Taču, kad liktenis viņam piespēlē iespēju atriebties, Viljams attopas spēlē, kuras cena ir kas vairāk par naudu.



Cell 2016



Melnais vanags notriekts

Melnais vanags notriekts 2001


1993. gada oktobris. Amerikas elites karavīri tiek nosūtīti uz Mogadišu (Somālija) Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas miera misijā. Domājams, ka mērķis ir glābt dzīvības, nevis tās nogriezt. Bet izrādās, ka misijas galvenais mērķis ir sagūstīt karavadoni Aididu un izskaust karu. Sākumā šķiet, ka viss norit labi, līdz tiek notriekti divi Black Hawk helikopteri, acīmredzami neuzvarami. Pēc tam misija pārvēršas izmisuma sacensībās, lai glābtu negadījumā ieslodzītos vai ievainotos apkalpes locekļus un sauszemes karavīrus.


The Agency

The Agency 2024


Covert CIA agent Martian is ordered to abandon his undercover life and return to London Station. When the love he left behind unexpectedly reappears, their romance reignites, pitting his career, his real identity and his mission against his heart while hurling them both into a deadly game of international intrigue and espionage.



Rome 2005


A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.


Lockwood & Co.

Lockwood & Co. 2023


A girl with extraordinary psychic abilities joins two gifted teen boys at a small ghost-hunting agency to fight the many deadly spirits haunting London.


Show Me a Hero

Show Me a Hero 2015


Mayor Nick Wasicsko took office in 1987 during Yonkers' worst crisis when federal courts ordered public housing to be built in the white, middle class side of town, dividing the city in a bitter battle fueled by fear, racism, murder and politics.


The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits 1963


The Outer Limits is an anthology tv series of self-contained sci-fi-horror stories, sometimes with a plot twist at the end.


The Defiant Ones

The Defiant Ones 2017


A four-part documentary series that tells the stories of Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre -- one the son of a Brooklyn longshoreman, the other straight out of Compton - -- and their improbable partnership and surprising leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.


American Murder: Gabby Petito

American Murder: Gabby Petito 2025


What happened in the final days of Gabby Petito's life? In this gripping true-crime series, her loved ones reveal the untold story of her tragic murder.


Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005


In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.



Thriller 1960


Thriller is an American anthology television series that aired during the 1960–61 and 1961–62 seasons on NBC. The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of self-contained, macabre weird-horror and morbid, hitchockian crime stories, in some of which he also starred.


The Traitors

The Traitors 2022


Deception, lies and betrayal are the name of the game, as four Traitors infiltrate a group of 24 players and use their skills to eradicate 'loyal' contestants trying to win $250,000 in silver bars.


24 to Life

24 to Life 2016


What would you do with your last 24 hours of freedom? Follow eight unexpected individuals as they go through their final 24 hours before they are incarcerated. Cameras document two seemingly normal people on their final day of freedom as they say their goodbyes and prepare their loved ones for the years they'll be away. A startling look at the consequences of crime and incarceration, from the devastation their sentences have wrought on their families to the aftermath their victims continue to endure. It's an emotional, unexpected look inside the machinery of the criminal justice system.