
xXx 2002


Ksanders Keidžs ir sportisks, kas balansē uz robežas. Šis nežēlīgais puisis var izdarīt to, kas nav pa spēkam citiem. Tieši tādēļ viņš nonāk Nacionālās drošības aģentūras uzmanības lokā. Apbruņots ar vismodernāko spiegošanas aprīkojumu un ieročiem, Keidžam ir jāiefiltrējas krievu kriminālajā vidē Prāgā. Nekas nevar aizkavēt šo jaunās paaudzes spiegu xXx izpildīt viņa m uzticēto misiju un neviens nav spējīgs novērst viņa uzmanību no uzdevuma. Neviens, izņemot noslēpumaino meiteni Jeļenu...


„Sarkanā oktobra” meklējumos

„Sarkanā oktobra” meklējumos 1990


Šis ir stāsts par padomju zemūdens kapteini Marko Ramiu, kas nepakļāvās pavēlēm un devās uz ASV austrumu krastu. Aprīkota ar inovatīvām pretizsekošanas tehnoloģijām, viņa zemūdene "Sarkanais oktobris" bija neredzama. Tiesa, kad amerikāņu zemūdene uz mirkli pamanīja krievu klātbūtni, CIP aģents Džeks Raiens devās noskaidrot Ramija motīvus.



Anna 2019



Ūdens forma

Ūdens forma 2017


20. gadsimta 60. gados superslepenā pētnieciskā laboratorijā strādājoša vientuļa apkopēja sadraudzējas ar neparastu būtni, kas tiek turēta gūstā.


Visu baiļu summa

Visu baiļu summa 2002


1973. gadā Izraēlas armija zaudēja cīnītāju ar kodolraķeti, kuru izšāva ienaidnieka spēki. Raķete nekad vairs netika atrasta. Pēc divdesmit deviņiem gadiem vecs arābu vīrietis to atrod daļēji apglabātā un pamestā Golānā un pārdod algotņiem ar savienojumiem ar neonacistu potenciāliem. Tajā pašā laikā Krievijā notiek jauna prezidenta maiņa, un jaunais līderis, tik tikko pazīstams, neizraisa pilnīgu uzticību CIP ... Jauns un aizraujošs piedzīvojums CIP aģentam Džekam Raanam (tagad spēlē Bens) Affleck, kuru agrāk atdzīvojuši Alecs Baldvins un Harisons Fords). Filma bija diskutabla, aplūkojot terorisma jautājumu apokaliptiskā veidā, kad 11. septembra atmiņas vēl bija svaigas. Turklāt Toma Klancija romānā teroristi bija musulmaņu fanātiķi, bet producenti filmas adaptācijā nolēma viņus "aizstāt" ar neonacistu teroristiem.


Eksplozīvā blondīne

Eksplozīvā blondīne 2017


Viņas Majestātes Slepenā dienesta visefektīvākā aģente Lorēna Brotone ir vienlīdz izsmalcināta un diskrēta informācijas iegūšanā kā arī nāvējoša pretējās nometnes spiegiem, gatava uz pilnīgi visu, lai paveiktu sev doto uzdevumu un paliktu dzīva. Nosūtīta uz Berlīni īsi pirms mūra krišanas, lai atgūtu dosjē ar nopludinātiem spiegu vārdiem, viņa nokļūst brutālā lielvaru savstarpējā cīņā par Berlīnes, Vācijas un visas Eiropas nākotni.


Simtgadnieks, kas izkāpa pa logu un pazuda

Simtgadnieks, kas izkāpa pa logu un pazuda 2013


Filmas pamatā ir pasaulē slavens bestsellers par sirmgalvi, kurš savā 100. dzimšanas dienā nolemj mainīt savu dzīvi. Viņš sakravā čemodānu, izkāpj pa logu un pazūd no pansionāta. Nozadzis narkobaronam koferi, pilnu ar naudu, viņš uzsāk savu aizraujošāko dzīves piedzīvojumu.


Spiegu tilts

Spiegu tilts 2015


Filmas darbība notiek uz patiesu vēsturisku notikumu fona un stāsta par Bruklinas advokātu Džeimsu Donovanu, kurš attopas aukstā kara epicentrā, kad CIP viņu nosūta veikt praktiski neiespējamu uzdevumu – vienoties par PSRS notvertā izlūklidmašīnas U2 amerikāņu pilota atbrīvošanu.



Kurjers 2020


Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīts stāsts par britu uzņēmēju Grevilu Veienu, kuram tiek pavēlēts doties uz Maskavu spiegot karalienes labā. Tur viņš sadraudzējas ar pulkvedi no Krievijas militārā izlūkdienesta, kurš cer novērst kodolkonfrontāciju starp ASV un PSRS un nodod britiem svarīgu izlūkošanas informāciju, ko izmantot Kubas raķešu krīzes mazināšanai.


For All Mankind

For All Mankind 2019


Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.


The Americans

The Americans 2013


Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.



Deutschland 2015


A gripping coming-of-age story set against the real culture wars and political events of Germany in the 1980s. The drama follows Martin Rauch as the 24 year-old East Germany native is pulled from the world as he knows it and sent to the West as an undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service. Hiding in plain sight in the West German army, he must gather the secrets of NATO military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is quite what it seems and everyone he encounters is harboring secrets, both political and personal.


Biff Baker U.S.A.

Biff Baker U.S.A. 1952


Biff Baker, U.S.A. is an American crime drama television series that aired on CBS from November 6, 1952, to March 26, 1953 starring Alan Hale, Jr. as Cold War spy Biff Baker.


Deadly Class

Deadly Class 2019


Follow a disillusioned teen recruited into a storied high school for assassins. Maintaining his moral code while surviving a ruthless curriculum, vicious social cliques, and his own adolescent uncertainties may prove fatal.


Project Blue Book

Project Blue Book 2019


A chronicle of the true top secret U.S. Air Force-sponsored investigations into UFO-related phenomena in the 1950s and ’60s, known as “Project Blue Book”.


Hell Below

Hell Below 2016


Hell Below is an event-based series charting the stealth game of sub sea warfare, tracking the dramatic narrative from contact to attack of the greatest submarine patrols of World War II. From the rise of the Wolfpack to the drive for victory in the Pacific, we profile the strategic masterminds and the rapid evolution of technology and tactics, as the threat of undersea warfare brings every sailor's worst nightmare to life. Expert analysis and stock footage are woven with narrative driven re-enactments filmed on authentic Second World War era submarines to place the characters at the heart of the action.


Shadow Lines

Shadow Lines 2019


During the 1950s, Helsinki was the focal point of the Cold War, as global powers and their intelligence agencies coalesced in the small neutral country that stood between the East and the West. Shadow Lines is an international spy thriller that follows a secret intelligence team whose mission is to defend the independence of Finland no matter the cost.


The Game

The Game 2014


"The Game" is a 1970s Cold War spy thriller set in the world of espionage. It tells the story of the invisible war fought by MI5 as it battles to protect the nation from the threats of the Cold War.



Totems 2022


Set in 1965 in the midst of the Cold War, Totems follows a French scientist, Francis Mareuil, as he begins working as a spy. While working for the French Secret Service and the CIA, Mareuil meets Lyudmila Goloubeva, a pianist forced to work for the KGB. A romance blossoms between them but neither can be sure what is an expression of their true feelings, and what is the fruit of political shenanigans…



Glória 2021


A small town in Portugal becomes engulfed in a web of political intrigue when a young engineer is recruited as a KGB spy in this historical thriller.



Kennedy 2023


A chronicle of John F. Kennedy's life, including his youth, ascension into politics, presidency, and his lasting impact on history.


The Company

The Company 2007


The Company tells the thrilling story of Cold War CIA agents imprisoned in double lives, fighting an amoral, elusive, formidable enemy – and each other – in an internecine battle within the Company itself.


Line of Separation

Line of Separation 2015


After the fall of the Third Reich, the small town of Tannbach is cruelly divided between East and West regimes and the town’s inhabitants suffer the consequences. A gripping historical drama exploring the devastating effects decades of conflict had on communities from the end of the Second War War to the fall of the Berlin Wall.


The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff 2020


At the height of the Cold War, newly formed NASA selects seven of the military’s best test pilots to become astronauts. Competing to be the first in space, these men achieve the extraordinary, inspiring the world to turn towards a new horizon of ambition and hope.


Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors 1958


Behind Closed Doors is an American drama series set during the Cold War hosted by and occasionally starring Bruce Gordon in the role of Commander Matson. The series, which aired on NBC from October 2, 1958, to April 9, 1959, focuses, among other themes, on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage. Behind Closed Doors is based on the files and experiences of Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, who offers comments at the end of each segment. Behind Closed Doors, a Screen Gems production, replaced Jackie Cooper's sitcom The People's Choice, followed the NBC quiz show, Twenty-One, and preceded the The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. Its competition was The Pat Boone Chevy Show on ABC and Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater western anthology series on CBS.


Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War 2024


With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.


Cold War

Cold War 1998


A 24-part series which deals with the relations between the United States, the Soviet Union and their respective allies between the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


The Assets

The Assets 2014


1985 serves as the backdrop to the final showdown of the Cold War when Sandy and her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille vowed to find the mole that would turn out to be the most notorious traitor in US history, Aldrich Ames. Sandy is in a race against time to save the Soviet intelligence officers from being caught and killed. Living her own double life at home, this beautiful wife and mother vowed to stop at nothing until she uncovered the truth.