Eņģeļa krišana

Eņģeļa krišana 2019


Maiks Benings pilnībā nododas valsts dienestam, viņa galvenais uzdevums – gādāt par ASV prezidenta drošību. Kolēģi, ar kuriem Benings daudzus gadus strādājis plecu pie pleca, viņam neuzticas, tur viņu aizdomās par nodomu nonāvēt valsts galvu. Lai glābtu ne vien savu godu, bet arī dzīvību, Benings ir spiests slēpties un noskaidrot, kas un kāpēc ievilina viņu un prezidentu slazdā.


Uzbrukums Baltajam namam

Uzbrukums Baltajam namam 2013


ASV Kongresa nama drošības darbinieks Džons Keils dodas uz darba interviju Baltajā namā, jo viņa sapnis ir strādāt Prezidenta apsardzes dienestā. Saņēmis atteikumu, viņš nespēj par to paziņot meitiņai, kura viņu gaida aiz durvīm. Tomēr abi iešmauc tūristu grupas barā, kas apmeklē Balto namu. Šī ekskursija drīz vien pārtop murgā, jo tieši todien teroristi sāk uzbrukumu prezidenta mītnei un pašam prezidentam. Keils ir nokļuvis īstajā vietā un īstajā laikā, lai pierādītu savu gatavību aizsargāt prezidentu, taču kaut kur šajā namā atrodas arī viņa meita.



Callan 1967


Callan is the title of a British television series set in the murky world of espionage. Originally produced by ABC Weekend Television and later Thames Television, it was aired on the ITV network over four seasons spread out between 1967 and 1972. The series starred Edward Woodward as David Callan, a reluctant professional killer for a shadowy branch of the British Government's intelligence services known as 'the Section'.


Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines 2015


Imagine the perfect American town... beautiful homes, manicured lawns, children playing safely in the streets. Now imagine never being able to leave. You have no communication with the outside world. You think you're going insane. You must be in Wayward Pines.


Inside the Mossad

Inside the Mossad 2017


The assassinations of Nazis, terrorists and Iranian nuclear scientists have given the Mossad a fearsome reputation that has come with a moral cost. For the first time, former spy chiefs and operatives discuss personal and operational challenges, ethical dilemmas, and the personal price they were forced to pay.


Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game

Secrets & Spies: A Nuclear Game 2024


Betray your country, save the world. Spies and traitors play a dangerous game in the 1980s as the Cold War brings two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war.