Harijs Poters un Azkabanas gūsteknis

Harijs Poters un Azkabanas gūsteknis 2004


Harijs ar nepacietību gaida vasaras beigas, lai sāktu jaunu kursu Cūkkārpā, un pēc iespējas drīzāk pamestu nicināmās tantes un tēvoča Dursleys māju. Harijs nezina, ka viņam būs jāatstāj Privet Drive agri un negaidīti pēc tam, kad viņa krustmāte Marge pārvērtīsies par milzu balonu. Nakts autobuss un, protams, apburts, vedīs viņu uz Leaky Cauldron krodziņu, kur viņu negaida neviens cits kā Burvju ministrs Kornēlijs Fudžs.


Viesnīca Transilvānija

Viesnīca Transilvānija 2012


Drakula, kurš vada augstas klases viesnīcu tālu prom no cilvēku acīm, kļūst aizdomīgs, kad kāds zēns nejauši uzrodas viņa īpašumā un iemīlas grāfa pusaudžu meitā.


Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt

Fantastiskās būtnes - un kur tās meklēt 2016


Jauni piedzīvojumi Dž. K. Roulingas radītajā burvju pasaulē ir klāt! Tie tevi aizvedīs uz 70 gadu Ameriku pirms Harijs Poters Anglijā iepazina burvju pasauli. Jauns burvis Ņūts Skamanders ieradies Ņujorkā pēc pasaules apceļošanas, lai apkopotu un iepazītu pasaules neparastākās būtnes. Tur viņš sastop Jēkabu, vientiesi, kurš atver Ņūta čemodānu un izlaiž brīvībā visus viņa savāktās fantastiskās būtnes. Lai glābtu Ņujorku no haosa, Ņūts ir spiests meklēt un atrast visas pazudušās būtnes.


Spaidervika hronikas

Spaidervika hronikas 2008


Kad trīs Greisu bērni - Džareds, viņa dvīņu brālis - aizrautīgs grāmatu lasītājs Saimons un viņu māsa Malorija pārceļas uz dzīvi vecajā Spaidervika namā, viņus vispirms pārsteidz, cik nolaists ir šis Viktorijas laika nams. Nejauši viņi uziet Artūra Spaidervika grāmatu "Ceļvedis uz brīnumaino pasauli tev blakām". Grāmata burtiski atver viņiem acis dīvaino, dažreiz arī bīstamo pasauli, kurā mīt pūķi un spoki, laumiņas un raganas, fejas un elfi. Kad viņu ceļo krustojas ar cilvēkēdāju, viņi saprot, ka viņš par katru cenu cenšas iegūt savā īpašumā maģisko grāmatu. Filmas pamatā - pasaulslavena grāmatu sērija.


Fantastiskās būtnes: Grindelvalda noziegumi

Fantastiskās būtnes: Grindelvalda noziegumi 2018


Tumšais burvis Gelerts Grindelvads ir izbēdzis no apcietinājuma un sāk pulcēt sekotājus, no kuriem daudzi pat nenojauš viņa patieso mērķi: panākt tīrasiņu burvju kundzību pār visām nemaģiskajām būtnēm. Lai izjauktu Grindelvalda plānu, Baltus Dumidors lūdz palīdzību savam bijušajam audzēknim Tritonam Skamanderam, kas piekrīt palīdzēt, neapzinoties draudošās briesmas.


Zelta Antilope

Zelta Antilope 1954


Nabadzīgs zēns no Indijas izglābj maģisku antilopi, kas no saviem nagiem spēj radīt zeltu. Kad par to uzzina mantkārīgais Radža, viņš liek izvēlēties — atvest antilopi vai mirt.


The Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince 2018


An extraordinary discovery inspires two human princes and an elven assassin to team up on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.


Magic Knight Rayearth

Magic Knight Rayearth 1994


Three young girls, Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef, who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Cephiro. The girls are less than enthusiastic about this idea, and only want to return home. Clef further explains that they must seek out the three Rune Gods to help them fight. He bestows armor and magical powers to each of them. They learn from Clef that High Priest Zagato has kidnapped the Pillar of Cephiro, Princess Emeraude. The Pillar of Cephiro has the sole responsibility of keeping Cephiro alive and in balance with her prayers. Without Princess Emeraude, Cephiro would fall into ruin. Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu must fight off Zagato's henchman and find the Rune Gods if they ever want to get back home. They soon learn that friendship and loyalty are the only things they can rely on in the crumbling Cephiro.



Hilda 2018


Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest home and journeys to the city.


Little Einsteins

Little Einsteins 2005


A group of musically gifted and ethnically diverse children travel around the world in an artificially intelligent rocket named Rocket.


Myriad Colors Phantom World

Myriad Colors Phantom World 2016


In the near future, in a world born of human imagination, what humans would call ghosts or monsters appear, and they come to be called "phantoms." Haruhiko Ichijō, is a first year at Hosea Academy along with his upperclassman Mai Kawakami, who fights phantoms with the ability "Spirit of Five Elements," Reina Izumi, who has the ability "Phantom Eater," and Koito Minase, who fights phantoms in solitude. They experience the ups and downs of high school life before a certain incident leads them to the truth of this world.


Ronja the Robber's Daughter

Ronja the Robber's Daughter 2024


Loving, loyal and unafraid, the daughter of a wanted robber chief makes a secret friend in her father's magical and treacherous forest.


Humanity Has Declined

Humanity Has Declined 2012


It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find and what little sources the humans have are considered highly valuable. The most prosperous species on the Earth are "Fairies", 10 cm tall creatures with high intelligence and a great love for sweets. A nameless girl, the main character, became a UN arbitrator between the humans and the fairies and had returned to her hometown to help her grandfather. One day, the village is sent some strange products made by a company called FairyCo. Since the villagers are wary of using the products, the girl, her grandfather, and a nameless boy decide to go to the factory to find out about the mysterious products and who is behind making them.


Abominable and the Invisible City

Abominable and the Invisible City 2022


Through Everest, the yeti, Yi, Jin, and Peng know that there’s a whole magical world out there, and now it’s even closer than they think! When they discover that their surroundings are teeming with magical creatures in need of their help, the kids will set out on extraordinary and heartfelt adventures throughout their city and beyond.


Maria the Virgin Witch

Maria the Virgin Witch 2015


During the Hundred Year's War between England and France in the Middle Ages, a powerful witch named Maria lives in a secret forest with her familiars. She hates the war around her, and will sometimes stir up trouble against the church that does nothing to stop it. Her interventions into the world, however, run against the plans of heaven, earning her the attention of the Archangel Michael.


Mermicorno: Starfall

Mermicorno: Starfall 2025


In a fantastical and magical undersea world, where a team of Mermicorno (enchanting half-Unicorno/half-fish creatures) join together to save the ocean from the threat of the evil Ika Inkblot.


Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~

Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ 2011


Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spring. She goes off to investigate and soon arrives in the netherworld, facing the youkai behind the strange incident. Will her friend, the shrine maiden Reimu, arrive in time to save the day or will all be lost? Note: A doujin anime (fan made anime) initially sold at Comiket 80. The official releases of the anime have no voices, only music and sound effects, and the lines are delivered via subtitles instead. Voiced releases are fandubs.