Ātrs un bez žēlastības: Tokijas sacīkstes

Ātrs un bez žēlastības: Tokijas sacīkstes 2006


Filmas centrā - Šons Bosvels, kurš allaž ir bijis autsaiders. Skolā viņš turējies no visiem savrup un viņa vienīgā saikne ar pārējo pasauli bijušas nelegālās ielu sacīkstes, kas viņu padarījušas ļoti "populāru" vietējo tiesībsargāšanas iestāžu darbinieku vidū. Lai izvairītos no ieslodzījuma, Šonu nosūta dzīvot pie tēvoča Tokijā. Savās pirmajās un neveiksmīgajās drifta sacīkstēs Tokijā Šons sacenšas ar D.K. jeb tā saukto “Drifta karali". Vienīgais veids, kā Šons var atdot parādu par zaudējumu sacīkstēs, ir iesaistīties Tokijas noziedzīgās pasaules mahinācijās, kur uz spēles nereti tiek likta ne tikai nauda, bet arī dzīvība.


HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series

HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series 2014


Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles. ​


Toward the Wilderness

Toward the Wilderness 2015


Morimura Tomomi is a housewife scorned by her husband and two sons, and yet she continues to protect the family. On her 46th birthday, she leaves home in disgust and embarks on a 1,200 km journey. It is Tomomi’s first time driving onto the highway and she speeds along to the west. On the road, she encounters a series of traumatising episodes. She detects her husband’s affair, is faced with a truck driver who mistakes her for a prostitute housewife, and finally her car gets stolen. While Tomomi is at a loss, a good-looking young man and an elderly person give her a ride, and she arrives in Nagasaki. As she meets various people in this town which was once transformed into a wasteland because of the atomic bomb, she becomes aware of a “wilderness” within her and starts to explore the path to rebirth