
Mūķene 2018


Jauna mūķene nomaļā abatijā Rumānijā ir izdarījusi pašnāvību. Lai izmeklētu šo gadījumu, Vatikāns nosūta turp kādu priesteri ar tumšu pagātni un novici, kas gatavojas dot mūķenes solījumus. Riskējot ne tikai ar dzīvību, bet arī ar ticību un dvēseli, abi šķetinās klostera baisos noslēpumus. Viņiem būs jāstājas pretī ļaunam spēkam dēmoniskas mūķenes izskatā, bet abatija kļūs par kaujaslauku, kurā norisināsies cīņa starp dzīvajiem un nolādētajiem.



Ils 2006



Comrade Detective

Comrade Detective 2017


In the 1980s, millions of Romanians tuned in to Comrade Detective, a gritty, sexy, communist buddy cop show that has now been digitally remastered and dubbed into English for the first time.


Windmills of the Gods

Windmills of the Gods 1988


When Mary Ashley is approached to become ambassador of the United States of America in Romania she does not take the offer because her husband does not want to give up his well-going doctor's office. Shortly afterward Dr. Edward Ashley gets killed in a car accident. After this Mary Ashley reconsiders the offer and finally accepts. Arrived in Romania she is confronted with a complex plot in which the American President's current plans to improve relations between the US and communist countries shall be sabotaged.