Maska 1994
Kautrīga bankas klerka dzīve izmainās, kad viņš atrod vecu masku, kurai piemīt burvju spēks. No klusa, nemanāma vīra viņš kļūst par nevaldāmu un apburošu briesmoni, no kura baidās visa pilsēta.
Kautrīga bankas klerka dzīve izmainās, kad viņš atrod vecu masku, kurai piemīt burvju spēks. No klusa, nemanāma vīra viņš kļūst par nevaldāmu un apburošu briesmoni, no kura baidās visa pilsēta.
The wife of a legendary rapper launches her own career, which puts his life into a tailspin.
Joe, Matt, Sarah and Francine are four college students. The girls are roommates downstairs while the boys are roommates... Upstairs. This bunch could not be more different. You'll find out not only their choice of majors, but by their drastically different cultural backgrounds too. It can cause friction to say the least, but hilarity will always ensue. Will opposites attract?