Atslēgvārds Ice Skating
The Captive 2014
Es, Tonija 2017
Uz slavas asmens 2007
Kad sīvākie sāncenši - daiļslidotāji Čazs un Džimijs pasaules čempionāta laikā visu acu priekšā burtiskā nozīmē saiet matos un pataisa sevi par pēdējiem idiotiem, viņi taisnā ceļā "izlido" no sporta aprindām. Pēc vairāk kā trīs gadu pauzes, viņi nolemj atrast veidu, kā atgriezties sportā. Ja viņiem izdotos tikt galā ar savstarpējām nesaskaņām, viņi varētu uzstāties… pāru deju disciplīnā.
Серебряные коньки 2020
Ala 2020
Ģimenes kopābūšanas laikā attālā meža namiņā ziemas brīvdienās, ģimenes tēvs ir spiests doties atpakaļ uz darbu, savus divus bērnus atstājot savas jaunās draudzenes Greisas apgādībā. Izolēti no apkārtējās pasaules un vieni, viņus namiņā iesprosto uznākusī sniega vētra. Turpinājumā seko dažādi šausminoši notikumi, kas saistīti ar Greisas tumšo pagātni un tēliem no tās.
Mollijas spēle 2017
Neiekļuvusi Olimpiskajā izlasē, Mollija Blūma nolemj paņemt gadu atpūtai pirms iestāšanās juridiskajā skolā. Kad darbs Losandželosas kafejnīcā nenodrošina plānotos ienākumus, viņa atver pagrīdes klubu pokera spēlētājiem. Nelegālais klubs kļūst populārs, bet bizness - ļoti ienesīgs, un drīz vien Mollija kļūst par «pokera princesi». Tad pienāk brīdis, kad viņa nokļūst FIB redzeslokā.
Angel of Mine 2019
Ledus princese 2005
The Bishop's Wife 1947
Nathalie... 2003
Sekojot sapnim uz ledus 2008
Tā kā Zeka Konroja partnere savainota, viņam jāmeklē jauna, lai piedalītos nacionālajā atlasē. Pēc nejaušas sadursmes ar Aleksu viņš aizrautīgi vēlas talantīgo hokejisti pievērst daiļslidošanai. Kad no Zeka atsakās arī viņa treneris, viņš uzmeklē Džekiju Dorsiju, kas palīdz pārim tiekties uz mērķi. Ir tikai viens noteikums: neiemīlēties vienam otrā…
Ice Castles 1978
Go Figure 2005
Julien Donkey-Boy 1999
Ledus 2018
On Ice 1935
Suspense 1946
Medalist 2025
Tsukasa Akeuraji, a frustrated skater, meets Inori Yuitsuka, a girl who yearns to be a figure skater. Motivated by Inori's obsession on the rink, Tsukasa begins coaching Inori. Inori's talent blossoms, and Tsukasa becomes a brilliant mentor. Together they aim to make her a glorious medalist!
Dancing on Ice 2006
Dancing on Ice is a British television show in which celebrities and their professional partners figure skate in front of a panel of judges consisting of Christopher Dean, Jayne Torvill, Oti Mabuse, and Ashley Banjo. Presented by: Holly Willoughby (S1–7, S10–) and Stephen Mulhern (S16–). Former presented by: Philip Schofield (S1–S15), Christine Bleakley (S8–S9) Judged by: Christopher Dean (S10-), Jayne Torvill (S10-), Oti Mabuse (S14-), Ashley Banjo (S10–) Former judged by: Karen Barber (S1–5. S8-S9), Robin Cousins (S1-9), Jason Gardiner (S1-6, S8-11), Nicky Slater (S1-5), Karen Kresge (S1), Natalie Bestemianova (S2), Ruthie Henshall (S3–4), Emma Bunton (S5-6), Louie Spence (S7), Katarina Witt (S7), Ashley Roberts (S8–9), John Barrowman (S12-13)
Yuri!!! on Ice 2016
Yuuri Katsuki carried all of Japan's hopes on his shoulders to win at the Gran Prix Finale ice skating competition, but suffered a crushing defeat. He returns home to Kyushu and half feels like he wants to retire, and half feels like he wants to continue ice skating. Suddenly the five-time consecutive world championship ice skater Victor Nikiforov appears before him with Yuri Plisetsky, a young Russian figure skater who is already defeating his seniors. Victor and both Yuris take up the challenge on an unprecedented Gran Prix series.
Pretty Rhythm: Aurora Dream 2011
Prism Stars are performers on the new popular ice show, Prism Show. They are superidols whose techniques, singing and fashion sense are a cut above all others. Aira and Rizumu are two Prism Stars whose goal is to become the best, the Prism Queen; however, the road to success is bumpy.
Spinning Out 2020
A figure skating Olympic hopeful struggles to balance love, family and fragile mental health as her dream of winning takes a dizzying hold.
Zero Chill 2021
Talented teen figure skater Kayla is forced to leave everything behind when her family follows her twin brother, Mac, to a prestigious hockey academy.
A Town Like Alice 1981
Set against the brutal chaos of World War II, a love story begins that will take two lovers through a living nightmare of captivity, across three continents and two decades.
Skating with Celebrities 2006
If you thought Dancing with the Stars was entertaining, just take a look at Skating with Celebrities, FOX's new reality competition which pits six professional figure skaters with six celebrities, whom have little to no skill in the sport. The pairs must face the challenge of learning new routines that test their artistic and athletic abilities. The pressure is on as the teams compete in front of a panel of judges including Olympic gold medalist and world figure skating champion Dorothy Hamill. Lending their choreography expertise are five-time U.S. National ice dance champion and Emmy Award-winning choreographer Michael Seibert, U.S. and world figure skating champion and director/choreographer Randy Gardner, and three-time U.S. ice dance champion Renee Roca. Serving as host is Olympic gold medalist and world champion figure skater Scott Hamilton.
Skating with the Stars 2010
An amazing cast of stars and their professional partners compete each week on a spectacular ice rink. Couples will need to be perfectly in sync, since the ice is unforgiving of even the smallest mistake.
Finding Her Edge 1970
Follow the three Russo sisters, heirs to a struggling figure skating dynasty. As middle sister, seventeen-year-old Adriana trains for the World Championships with new partner Brayden, while still harbouring feelings for her first love and former partner, Freddie. Her life becomes complicated when she and Brayden pretend to be a couple off the ice so they can land a sponsorship to keep the financially struggling Russo rink afloat.