Atslēgvārds Family Vacation
Kopā pret pašu gribu 2014
Izliecies par manu sievu 2011
Brīvdienu ceļojumā uz Havaju salām plastikas ķirurgs pierunā savu uzticamo asistenti notēlot par viņa sievu, lai noslēptu melus, ko viņš sastāstījis savai jaunajai draudzenei.
Laiks 2021
M. Naita Šjamalāna nervu kutinošais stāsts par atpūtnieku ģimeni, kura atklāja, ka nomaļā pludmale, kurā viņi atpūšas, kaut kādā veidā viņiem liek strauji novecot, visu dzīvi saīsinot līdz vienai dienai.
Mēs 2019
Kādas ģimenes locekļu brīvdienas pārvēršas haosā, kad pludmalē parādās viņu dubultnieki un sāk tos terorizēt.
Pēc saules 2022
Sofija atceras dalītās prieka un melanholijas jūtas, kas virmoja pirms vairāk nekā 20 gadiem kopā ar tēvu pavadītajās brīvdienās. Īstas un izdomātas atmiņas aizpilda robus, lai sasaistītu divus tēlus – tēva, kuru viņa pazina, un vīrieša, kuru nepazina. Saldsērīgs stāsts par ģimenes attiecībām. Filmu augstu novērtējuši kinokritiķi, savukārt Pols Meskals tika nominēts "Oskara" balvai kā gada labākais aktieris.
Brīvdienas 2015
Neiespējamais 2012
Filma balstīta uz patiesiem notikumiem. Aizkustinošs stāsts par ģimeni, kas 2004. gadā atradās Dienvidaustrumu Āzijā notikušajā cunami epicentrā.Cunami, kas atzīts par vispostošāko dabas katastrofu modernajā vēsturē.
RV 2006
The Haunted Mansion 2003
Ducis ir lētāk 2 2005
Speak No Evil 2022
The River Wild 1994
Izpirkuma nauda 2017
Brīvdienas Karību salās iegūst negaidītu pavērsienu, kad ģimenes tēva liktenis nonāk aukstasinīga un nežēlīga zvejnieka rokās. Sākas vīrieša cīņa ar laiku, lai glābtu sievu un dēlu.
दिल धड़कने दो 2015
Turist 2014
Nobody 2 2025
The Detour 2016
A what-in-the-living-hell-is-wrong-with-this-family comedy created by comic super-couple Jason Jones & Samantha Bee and inspired by their own experiences with family trips. Unfiltered dad Nate hits the road with wife Robin and kids Delilah and Jared. Every leg of their trip is fraught with disaster as they encounter one hellish turn after another. If there's trouble on the road, this family will find it and plow into it.
Benidorm 2007
Set in the Solana all-inclusive Resort, Benidorm follows the antics of regulars and first-time holiday makers on their journeys abroad.
Partir autrement en famille 2014
The series demonstrates that it's possible to make sustainable tourism family, think outside the box in interesting young and older children.
To the Sea 2021
Every summer for 11 years the Belyaevs' from Severodvinsk has been spending their vacation in Gelendzhik. The Northerners stay with their old friends in the same guesthouse. The long-term friendship of the families led to the fact that a young man, the son of the head of the "Northerners" family named Sasha, this summer, firmly decided to propose to Lyusya, the daughter of the head of the "Southerners" family ... Meanwhile, the Northerners' family is on the verge of divorce. Larisa is tired of tolerating her childish husband Seva Belyaev, who just can't grow up. The last straw was the news that Seva, before leaving on vacation, quit his job without telling anyone. The conflict within the family explodes, and Larisa announces to her husband that she intends to get a divorce ... The situation in the Southerners family is not easy either. It turns out that over this year Lyusya's father has found a new girlfriend - Madina.
Us 2020
The poignant and hilarious story of the Petersens during their vacation across Europe where the father Douglas tries to win back the love of his wife Connie and become reconciled with their son Albie.
Bon Voyage 2006
When Neil and Elizabeth take their children on a camping holiday to France, they find themselves continually bumping into over-friendly couple Simon and Linda. Elizabeth finds the couple weird, but when they begin to spot Simon and Linda's campervan in their rear view mirror, and a young boy goes missing from the campsite, they realise the couple are more than creepy....they're dangerous.