Franču tranzīts 2014
Francijas policijas tiesnesis vairākus gadus cenšas tikt galā ar vienu no valstī lielākajiem narkotiku izplatīšanas tīkliem.
Francijas policijas tiesnesis vairākus gadus cenšas tikt galā ar vienu no valstī lielākajiem narkotiku izplatīšanas tīkliem.
Narkotikas.Tās iznīcina prātu, ķermeni un dvēseli.Tikko tu pierod pie tām, tu kļūsti atkarīgs.Četras dzīves.Četri narkomāni.Četras neveiksmes.Darot visu pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas, lai gūtu sekmes dzīvē, bet ciešot briesmīgu neveiksmi, četri cilvēki kļūst atkarīgi no narkotikām.Par spīti viņu tiekšanai pēc kā cēla, viņi padodas savam kaitīgajam ieradumam.Skatoties, kā narkomāni pamazām zaudē kontroli pār sevi, mēs kļūstam par lieciniekiem pretīgākajām un netīrākajām, tur mājojošajām sabiedrības padibenēm.Tas ir šokējoši un pārsteidzoši, bet to obligāti vajag redzēt gan narkomāniem, gan no narkotikām neatkarīgiem cilvēkiem.
Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.
Set in the 1980s, a husband and wife, both detectives, infiltrate a massive criminal organization responsible for the illegal drug trade between Korea, China, and Japan.
Traffik is a 1989 British television serial about the illegal drugs trade. Its three stories are interwoven, with arcs told from the perspectives of Afghan and Pakistani growers and manufacturers, German dealers, and British users. It was nominated for six BAFTA Awards, winning three. It also won an International Emmy Award for best drama. The 2000 crime drama film Traffic, directed by Steven Soderbergh, was based on this television serial. In turn, the 2004 American television miniseries Traffic was based on both versions.
Howard Marks was Britain’s most notorious drug smuggler - until his luck ran out. Told by his inner circle and the cops on their tail, was he really ‘Mr Nice’?
A visceral, rarely-seen look into the personal stories of those most affected by ongoing national emergencies.
An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.
History of the narcotics trade in Burma and the War on Drugs. In 1964, director Adrian Cowell and cameraman Chris Menges went to mountainous eastern Burma to film the Shan revolutionary forces fighting a bloody civil war against the military dictatorship. The impoverished Shans had only one way to finance the war: opium. Cowell has returned several times over the last 30 years to record the ongoing civil war and the burgeoning opium trade. The first and last episodes are produced in association with WGBH/FRONTLINE.
Set in the early 1990s, when Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise was losing its battle with illegal drug smuggling across Britain’s borders. In a top-secret operation, a small team of customs employees were sent undercover. Their task was to infiltrate Britain’s most dangerous drug gangs.