Sanandreasa lūzums

Sanandreasa lūzums 2015


Kad divu ģeoloģisko plātņu sakustēšanās Sanandreasa lūzuma zonā izraisa 9 balles spēcīgu zemestrīci Kalifornijā, glābēju helikoptera pilots kopā ar šķirto sievu dodas no Losandželosas uz Sanfrancisko, lai glābtu savu vienīgo meitu. Tomēr briesmu pilnais ceļojums uz ziemeļiem ir tikai sākums un, kad šķiet, ka ļaunākais jau ir aiz muguras, katastrofas apmēri tikai pieaug...



Mimino 1977


Burvīga, brīžiem skumja un aizkustinoša, brīžiem ļoti smieklīga komēdija par lidotāju vārdā Valiko. Draugi viņu sauc par Mimino (gruzīnu valodā – vanags). Viņš, augstas klases pilots, kas lidojis ar lielajiem laineriem, tagad vada helikopteru uz grūti pieejamiem Gruzijas apvidiem, kur citādi nevar nokļūt.



Ice 2011




Valor 2017


The boundaries between military discipline and human desire are tested on a U.S. Army base that houses an elite unit of helicopter pilots trained to perform clandestine international and domestic missions. The drama unfolds in the present as well as in flashbacks to a failed mission involving one of the first female pilots in the unit, ultimately uncovering layers of personal and government/military secrets and leading to a season-long plan to rescue a group of MIA soldiers.


Always Ready

Always Ready 2005


Matthew Ko, Aircrewman Officer II of the Government Flying Service (GFS), and Benjamin Yip, Pilot I, frequently work together. While Benjamin flies an aircraft, Matthew rescues people. Matthew and Benjamin are appointed to train Aircrewman Officer III, Sandra Si, and Cadet Pilot, Kelvin Chiang. Both fresh graduates from training school. Meanwhile, when Matthew's girlfriend Carrie Hong suddenly loses her memory and seeks comfort from Benjamin, it causes a rift between the two colleagues. GFS staff are always ready to dive into the water and climb up mountains to save lives. How do they tackle their own challenges?


Hélico tout terrain

Hélico tout terrain 2014


The ups-and-downs of daily life as a helicopter pilot in Sept-Iles, north of Quebec.