Kapteinis Filipss: Somālijas pirātu gūstā

Kapteinis Filipss: Somālijas pirātu gūstā 2013


2009.gada aprīlī kravas kuģis Maersk Alabama kapteiņa Ričarda Filipsa vadībā devās uz Mombasas ostu Kenijā, šķērsojot Adenas līci pie Somālijas krastiem. Bruņoti somālieši ieņēma kuģi un, pieprasījuši izpirkuma maksu, saņēma gūstā kapteini. Dreifējot glābšanas laivā kopā ar sagūstītājiem necilvēcīgos apstākļos, aci pret aci ar pirātu vadoni Musē, Filipsam atlika tikai cerēt uz brīnumu. Ar pirātiem kopā pavadītajā laikā, kapteinis atskārst, ka noziedznieku motīvi nemaz nav tik viennozīmīgi. Filmas scenārijs balstīts uz kapteiņa Filipsa biogrāfiskās grāmatas pamata.



Zaglēni 2018


Kāda trūcīga, bet saticīga ģimene pieņem Tokijas bargajā salā atrastu meitenīti. Viņu dienas aizrit itin laimīgi, līdz notiek negadījums, cits pēc cita atklājas daudz noslēpumu un izrādās, ka ciešās saites, kuras saista tuviniekus, sabiedrības acīs ir vien noziegums. Kore-eda Hirokadzu – viens no Japānas talantīgākajiem un starptautiski atzītākajiem filmu veidotājiem – ir bijis biežs viesis Kannu kinofestivālā, kur par šo filmu ieguva Zelta palmas zaru. Visi režisora uzņemtie darbi sniedz iespēju uz brīdi patverties no savas dzīves un vienlaikus saskatīt tajā patiesi būtisko. Pasaule kā sarežģīta, skumja un nāves apdvesta telpa, tomēr šķietami nenozīmīgi mirkļi savieno cilvēkus un iegulst atmiņā uz mūžu.



Kapernauma 2018


Divpadsmit gadus vecais Zains iesūdz tiesā savus vecākus par to, ka dāvājuši viņam dzīvību, kaut nespēj sniegt pat mīlestību. Zēnam nav dokumentu, tādēļ nav arī juridisku liecību par viņa eksistenci. Viņš ir sadūris kādu cilvēku, par nodarījumu izciešot piecu gadu cietumsodu, un vēlas panākt taisnību tiesā pret saviem vecākiem. Tiesas prāva ir ietvars, kas atklāj viņa skumjo dzīvesstāstu. Zaina rīcība ir atainota kā simbolisks žests visu to bērnu vārdā, kuri nebūtu izvēlējušies dzīvot, ja viņiem ļautu izvēlēties.



Noragami 2014


Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.



Bakekang 2006


A loving heart trapped beneath an ugly facade, ignored and unappreciated by those who fail to see beyond what is skin-deep. She is a woman whose only desire is to feel a little affection from the world that has deprived her of everything she has always longed for.


Totoy Bato

Totoy Bato 2009


Totoy Bato is a boxing-themed Philippine drama from GMA Network, based on the graphic novel created by Carlo J. Caparas, that depicts the remarkable story of an ordinary person named Totoy Magtanggol, played by Robin Padilla, becoming a skillful boxer and conquering injustice with bravery and compassion. The series premiered on February 23. This is considered to be the first Indie Television Show for Robin's own crew in the production and blocking the powers of the management to control the show.


The Oblongs

The Oblongs 2001


The Oblongs are not so much dysfunctional as slightly nonfunctional. Living next to a polluted swamp has left them with the occasional missing limb or mysterious growth, but through it all, this close-knit family sticks together.Sometimes literally.


Top Boy

Top Boy 2019


Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.


Can't Buy Me Love

Can't Buy Me Love 2023


A young man gets entangled in a kidnap-for-ransom situation. He offers the kidnappers all his hard-earned money to save the victim, believing that her wealthy Filipino-Chinese family could easily repay him, or so he thought.


Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Tess of the D'Urbervilles 2008


The story of Tess Durbeyfield, a low-born country girl whose family find they have noble connections.


Natutulog Ba ang Diyos?

Natutulog Ba ang Diyos? 2007


Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos? was the fourth installment of Sineserye Presents, an ABS-CBN production. It is based on the 1988 film, Natutulog Pa Ang Diyos which, in turn, is based on the original novel of the same name by Ruben R. Marcelino. The story revolves around a young woman who was switched at birth. As a result, what could have been a life of prosperity became a life of poverty. Meanwhile, the baby boy who was put in her rightful place has grown up to be spoiled and irresponsible, but is secretly caught up in his feelings for her.



Dororo 2019


A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan.


The Duo

The Duo 2011


In a story of two men switched at birth, noble-born Chun Doong lives as a slave and becomes a heroic outlaw, while beggar-born Gwi Dong lives as a nobleman and police chief; then each falls in love with the same girl, Dong Nyeo.



Liar 2023


In the "Lilypad House," a small run-down house, lives Simala, a young woman who is raised to be ambitious. It is full of warmth and love despite its poor state. However, Simala still yearns to relocate to a presentable new house for her and her family and she hopes to find a man who is capable of changing her life for the better. "Warodom," a young good-looking man with an ambiguous lineage, also hopes to attract the attention of a beautiful socialite. Both Simala and Warodom share a common goal. But what are their true backgrounds, careers, and social circles? They appear with a presentable and opulent front as bait to lure each other in. Although, it would be considered a challenge to determine who the prey or the predator actually is, or perhaps it is because...they are in the same boat!


Les Misérables

Les Misérables 2018


France, 1815. Jean Valjean, a common thief, is released from prison after having lived a hell in life for 19 years, but a small mistake puts the law again on his trail. Ruthless Inspector Javert pursues him thorough years, driven by a twisted sense of justice, while Valjean reforms himself, thrives and dedicates his life to good deeds. In 1832, while the revolution ravages the streets of Paris, Valjean and Javert cross their paths for the last time.


Unbending Will

Unbending Will 2020


About young village officer Dai Zhiqiang, who leads the citizens of Lian Xi village in developing the Dendrobium industry and alleviating poverty.


City of Men

City of Men 2002


The series is based on the award-winning Brazilian film City of God, which itself was nominated for Oscars in four categories, including Best Director for Fernando Meireles. Based on the story of two friends, Laranjinha and Acerola, who live adventurous and dangerous lives in a Rio de Janeiro slum, 'City of Men' brings into sharp relief the condition of children and adolescents in these areas, realistically yet with a dose of humor.



Maid 2021


After fleeing an abusive relationship, a young mother finds a job cleaning houses as she fights to provide for her child and build them a better future.


America's War on Poverty

America's War on Poverty 1995


In the midst of unprecedented national prosperity in the 1960s, poverty was "rediscovered" by American policy makers, media and the public. This series examines how the poor fared during these years and the resultant evolution of foundation and public sector programs addressing the challenges of poverty.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 2011


The life of an orphan is changed by the providential intervention of a mysterious benefactor.