Q 2011



Lauva ziemā

Lauva ziemā 1968


Anglijas karalis Henrijs II ir apņēmies 1183. gada Ziemassvētkos izvēlēties troņmantinieku savai varenajai impērijai, tālab sapulcinājis visu savu ģimeni – sievu Akvitānijas Eleonoru, ko viņš tur ieslodzījumā, un trīs dēlus - Džonu, Džefriju un Ričardu. Ierodas arī Francijas karalis Filips II, kurš grib panākt savas pusmāsas Francijas Alises un Ričarda laulības. Taču Henrijs, atklājis savu ciemiņu intrigas un melus, zaudē visas ilūzijas, pat mīļākais no dēliem – Džons – viņu pieviļ. Filma saņēmusi trīs Oskarus, divus Zelta globusus un citas prestižas kino balvas.


Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex 2013


William Masters and Virginia Johnson are real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality. Their research touched off the sexual revolution and took them from a midwestern teaching hospital to the cover of Time magazine and multiple appearances on Johnny Carson's couch. He is a brilliant scientist out of touch with his own feelings, and she is a single working mother ahead of her time. The series chronicles their unusual lives, romance, and unlikely pop culture trajectory.


Men in Trees

Men in Trees 2006


Relationship coach Marin Frist knows what to look for, what to avoid and what will make her happy. As the many fans of her two bestselling books could tell you, we're all in charge of our own happiness. But like many people full of advice, she fails to apply it to herself. On her way to a speaking engagement in Alaska, she learns that her fiancé has cheated on her. Slapped in the face with personal failure, a snowstorm then leaves her stuck in a small town full of the one thing she really doesn't need—available men.


Greek Salad

Greek Salad 2023


Takes place twenty years after the events of “L’Auberge Espanole,” and follows Tom and Mia, the children of the film’s protagonists Xavier and Wendy, as they spend time in Athens.