Atslēgvārds Marijuana
EuroTrip 2004
Eyes Wide Shut 1999
Džentlmeņi 2020
Talantīgs britu narkobarons gadu gaitā izveidojis iespaidīgu un ļoti ienesīgu biznesa impēriju. Kad paklīst runas par tās pārdošanu Oklahomas miljardieriem, cīņā par nelegālo uzņēmumu iesaistās arī citi džentlmeņi, — sākas shēmošana un apmaiņa ar laipnībām, kuru starpā gadās arī apšaudes un pa kādam nelaimes gadījumam.
Būda mežā 2012
Pieci draugi dodas atpūsties uz attālu ēku, kas atrodas meža vidū. Drīz ar viņiem sāk notikt dīvainas lietas un viņiem jāatklāj, kas aiz tā visa slēpjas.
Ielu balsis 2015
1987. gadā pieci puiši, izmantojot skarbus un atklātus tekstus, kā arī spēcīgu ritmu, pauda savu neapmierinātību un dusmas par dzīvi Amerikas bīstamākajā vietā. Par viņu jaudīgāko ieroci kļuva mūzika. Filma "Ielu balsis" ir patiess stāsts par to, kā šie nemiera cēlāji ar dziesmu vārdu, dižošanās, bravūras un talanta palīdzību pretojās likumsargiem, kuri centās apspiest viņus. Tā radās pasaules bīstamākā grupa N.W.A., kas stāstīja līdz šim neatklāto patiesību par dzīvi rajonā. Viņu balsis aizsāka sociālo revolūciju, kuras atbalss ir dzirdama joprojām.
Halloween 1978
Putncilvēks 2014
Filmas centrā ir aktieris, kas reiz atveidojis populāra supervaroņa Putncilvēka lomu, un tagad, pārkāpjot paša ego, viņš izlemj piedalīties jaunā Brodvejas uzvedumā ar mērķi atgriezties slavas zenītā.
Freddy vs. Jason 2003
Lielais Lebovskis 1998
Neveiksminieks un slaists Džefs Lebovskis pārpratuma pēc tiek noturēts par miljonāru Lielo Lebovski. Bagātnieka sieva ir parādā ievērojamu naudas summu ļoti bīstamiem cilvēkiem. Divi pārskaitušies gangsteri ielaužas dīkdienīgā Džefa mājā un apčurā viņa paklāju. Dusmīgais Lebovskis dodas pie sava vārda brāļa, lai piedzītu kompensāciju par sabojāto grīdsegu, protams, iekuļoties virknē nepatikšanu.
Friday 1995
Romancing the Stone 1984
Amerikāņu skaistums 1999
Ārēji Lesters un Karolīna ir ideāls pāris, kas dzīvo ideālu dzīvi. Bet iekšēji Lesters pārzīvo pusmūža krīzi un slīkst arvien dziļāk un dziļāk depresijā. Viss mainās brīdī, kad viņš aizraujas ar vienu no meitas draudzenēm, pamet darbu un nolemj izdzīvot jaunību vēlreiz.
Easy Rider 1969
Dazed and Confused 1993
Pineapple Express 2008
Rekviēms sapnim 2000
Narkotikas.Tās iznīcina prātu, ķermeni un dvēseli.Tikko tu pierod pie tām, tu kļūsti atkarīgs.Četras dzīves.Četri narkomāni.Četras neveiksmes.Darot visu pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas, lai gūtu sekmes dzīvē, bet ciešot briesmīgu neveiksmi, četri cilvēki kļūst atkarīgi no narkotikām.Par spīti viņu tiekšanai pēc kā cēla, viņi padodas savam kaitīgajam ieradumam.Skatoties, kā narkomāni pamazām zaudē kontroli pār sevi, mēs kļūstam par lieciniekiem pretīgākajām un netīrākajām, tur mājojošajām sabiedrības padibenēm.Tas ir šokējoši un pārsteidzoši, bet to obligāti vajag redzēt gan narkomāniem, gan no narkotikām neatkarīgiem cilvēkiem.
Narcos: Mexico 2018
See the rise of the Guadalajara Cartel as an American DEA agent learns the danger of targeting narcos in 1980s Mexico.
Weeds 2005
After the unexpected death of her husband, a suburban mom resorts to selling weed to support her family.
Trailer Park Boys 2001
Follow the booze-fueled misadventures of three longtime pals and petty serial criminals who run scams from their Nova Scotia trailer park.
Disjointed 2017
Pot activist Ruth Whitefeather Feldman runs a medical marijuana dispensary while encouraging her loyal patients to chill out and enjoy the high life.
High Maintenance 2016
Jump into the daily routines of a diverse group of New Yorkers and how they light things up. “The Guy” is a nameless pot deliveryman whose client base includes an eccentric group of characters with neuroses as diverse as the city.
Bong Appétit 2016
In seasons 1 & 2, Abdullah Saeed throws elaborate cannabis dinner parties with notable chefs preparing multi-course infused meals. Starting with season 3, B Real, Vanessa Lavorato and Miguel Trinidad host a culinary competition that tests a chef's ability to utilize the ultimate ingredient: cannabis.
Family Business 2019
After learning France is about to legalize pot, a down-on-his-luck entrepreneur and his family race to turn their butcher shop into a marijuana café.
Mary + Jane 2016
Jordan and Paige are two twenty-something best friends who run an all-female weed delivery service in Los Angeles. Filled with funny, raw and bizarre adventures, the show explores the uncharted territory as Los Angeles comes out of the Green Closet and gets into high and higher times.
Dutch Hope 2014
Forensic psychiatrist Fokke Augustinus makes an unexpected career change when he inherits his father's mansion in Groningen where he becomes involved with a criminal organization with a marijuana plantation on his father's land.
The High Court 2017
Join Doug Benson as he presides over actual courtroom arguments. The catch? Judge Doug makes all his rulings while extremely high. After hearing both sides, Doug smokes up with a guest bailiff and deliberates. (And yes, this is legal. Somehow.)
The Freak Brothers 2021
The escapades of a trio of stoner anti-establishment characters and their cat who wake up from a 50-year nap after smoking a magical strain of weed in 1969, and must adjust to life with a new family in present-day San Francisco.
Murder Mountain 2018
In Humboldt County, California, the big business of legal marijuana brings in visitors from around the world. Some are never seen again.
Holly Weed 2017
Cooking on High 2018
In the first-ever competitive cannabis cooking show, two chefs prepare mouthwatering marijuana-infused dishes for a panel of very chill celeb judges.
Cannabis 2016
When a boatload of cannabis belonging to Moroccan drug lord El Feo is hijacked, the robbery has repercussions stretching across three countries.
Hollyweed 2018
Two potheads navigate the ups and downs of managing a small marijuana dispensary in their quest for profits and the perfect bud.
Weediquette 2016
VICE correspondent Krishna Andavolu chronicles the science, culture, and economics of the emerging “green” economy. Each episode explores the impact of marijuana legalization across the United States and internationally, examining how people on all sides of this issue are reacting to the growing popularity and acceptance of this remarkable plant.
Budding Prospects 2017
In 1983, three hapless guys from San Francisco are lured from their sex and drugs lifestyle to the countryside to grow marijuana. They find themselves stuck in a run-down cabin in the middle of nowhere, with harsh and unfriendly growing conditions, nosy neighbours, dangerous locals, and menacing law enforcement.
Weed Country 2013
Weed Country is an American reality documentary television series on the Discovery Channel. The series premiered on February 20, 2013 during Discovery's newest programming block titled Weed Wednesdays.
Bud Empire 2018
Medical marijuana dispensary owner Bob Kay hopes to grow his business into a budding empire as big business and politicians threaten to make head shops like his history.